Šį svetainė nebeatnaujinama. Nauji partnerių sąrašai ir atrankos anketos mainams skelbiami tarptautinių ryšių naujienose: Prašome registruotis mainams naujoje sistemoje.
This website is no longer updated. New partner lists and application forms for exchanges are published on the website: Please register for exchanges in the new system.

ERASMUS+ programa Vilniaus universiteto studentams
                    2024-2025 pavasario semestrui

Mieli studentai,

žemiau skelbiamos ERASMUS+ programos studijų užsienyje galimybės visų fakultetų (institutų, centrų), sudariusių sutartis dėl ERASMUS studentų mainų, 2024/2025 pavasario semestrui.
•    Jūs galite pretenduoti į studijų vietą tik tame universitete, kuris yra  Jūsų fakulteto ERASMUS partneris.
•   Jūsų užsienio kalbos, kuri yra dėstomoji kalba pasirinktame universitete, mokėjimo lygis turi būti ne žemesnis nei nurodytas partnerinės institucijos reikalavimuose. Kai kurių universitetų reikalaujamą kalbą ir jos lygį rasite lentelėje (tačiau informaciją patikslinkite ir šių universitetų svetainėse), kitų universitetų užsienio kalbos lygio reikalavimų ieškokite užsienio universiteto interneto svetainėse. Studijoms pakanka vienos (iš nurodytų lentelėje) užsienio kalbos, bet visada reiktų tikslinti ar ta kalba galite pasirinkti pakankamai dalykų (žr. užsienio universiteto svetainėje).
•    Pasirinktame universitete turi būti galimybės suplanuoti studijų programą, atitinkančią Jūsų studijų kryptį ir lygį.
•    Nurodyti studijų lygiai yra sąlyginiai. Pvz., jei Jūs esate bakalauro lygio studentas, Jūs galite pretenduoti į magistrantams ir doktorantams skirtas vietas, su sąlyga, jei neatsiras tinkamo nurodyto lygio kandidato ir užsienio universitetas Jus priims.
•    Lentelėje nurodytas bendras studentų ir mėnesių skaičius, t.y., jei nurodyti 2 studentai ir 10 mėnesių, vienam studentui tenka 5 mėn.
•    Už partnerių ir šalių prioritetus atsakingi fakultetų ERASMUS koordinatoriai.

Daugiau informacijos apie ERASMUS+ programą ieškokite Vilniaus universiteto Tarptautinių ryšių skyriaus interneto svetainėje.

Daugiau informacijos Filologijos fakulteto Skandinavistikos studentams apie NORDLIKS tinklą .

Registracijos formą vidinei Vilniaus universiteto atrankai rasite žemiau.

Registracija vyksta nuo 2024 m. rugsėjo 9. iki rugsėjo 23 d. 24 val.  

ERASMUS+ programme for Vilnius University students
                   for spring semester of academic year 2024-2025

Dear students,

Below are published study abroad opportunities under the ERASMUS+ programme for all faculties, which have signed agreements regarding ERASMUS+ exchange for spring semester of academic year 2024/2025.
•    You can apply for study place only at the university which is your faculty’s ERASMUS partner.
•    Your language proficiency in the language of instruction at the chosen university should not be lower than the partner institution's requirements. You can find language proficiency requirements either in the table below or at the websites of host universities.
•    You should be able to plan your study programme that corresponds to your field of study and level (check the available courses for exchange students of the partner university website).
•    Study levels on the list are conditional, e.g. if you are an undergraduate student you can apply  for the places agreed for  master or doctoral students but  you may be selected only if there will be   no applicants of the  indicated level  and partner university will accept you.
•    The table shows total number of students and months, e.g, if you see two students and 10 months this means that the agreement is for two students for  5 months each.
•    Faculty ERASMUS coordinators are responsible for priorities given to the partners.

You can find more information about the ERASMUS+ programme on our website.

Application form for the ERASMUS+ exchanges can be accessed here.  Online registration will be open  from 9th of September till 23th of September, 24 o'clock 

  Faculty University (Country) Code Field of Study (code) The main study Master PhD
Number of students Number of months Number of students Number of months Number of students Number of months Language
1 () English(Level: B1)
Turkish(Level: B1)
2 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Thomas More Kempen (Belgium) B GEEL07 0531 Chemistry 2 12 English(Level: B2)
Dutch(Level: B2)
3 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus) CY LIMASSO02 0712 Environmental protection technology Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Greek(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
4 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Masaryk University (Czech Republic) CZ BRNO05 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 6 English(Level: B2)
5 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University of Chemistry and Technology (Czech Republic) CZ PRAHA01 0512 Biochemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Czech(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
6 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University of Chemistry and Technology (Czech Republic) CZ PRAHA01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Czech(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
7 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (Czech Republic) CZ PRAHA02 0521; 05 Environmental & Earth Sciences Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Czech(Level: B2)
8 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Tomas Bata University in Zlin (Czech Republic) CZ ZLIN01 023 Languages (English, German, French, Russian, Spanish) 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
9 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences RWTH Aachen University (Germany) D AACHEN01 0532 Natural sciences (geography) Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 6 1 6 German(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2) Comments: Courses in English are available for MA students
10 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Technische Universität Chemnitz (Germany) D CHEMNIT01 0532 Earth sciences Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
11 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Technische Universität Clausthal (Germany) D CLAUSTH01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 6 German; English(Level: B2)
12 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) D DRESDEN02 0532 Natural sciences (geology) Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 6 German(Level: B1)
13 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany) D ILMENAU01 0531 Chemistry 2 10 1 5 German(Level: B1)
14 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany) D KIEL01 0532 Earth sciences Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 German; English(Level: B1) Comments: English (limited offers), no certificate required
15 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universität Köln (Germany) D KOLN01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 German; English(Level: B1)
16 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) D MARBURG01 0531 Chemistry 1 10 1 10
17 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) D MARBURG01 0521 Environmental sciences 2 10 2 10
18 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universität Münster (Germany) D MUNSTER01 0532 Earth sciences Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 German(Level: B1) Comments: English just a few courses
19 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Fachhochschule Münster (Germany) D MUNSTER02 0711 Chemical engineering and processes Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 German; English(Level: B1) Comments: BA-mostly German, MA-mainly English
20 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universität Trier (Germany) D TRIER01 0532 Earth sciences Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 10 1 5 1 5 German; French(Level: B1)
21 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University of Cordoba (Spain) E CORDOBA01 0512 Biochemistry Nomination deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 9 English, Spanish(Level: B1)
22 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University of Cordoba (Spain) E CORDOBA01 0532 Earth sciences Nomination deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 9 English, Spanish(Level: B1)
23 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universidad de Huelva (Spain) E HUELVA01 0532 Earth sciences Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
24 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (Spain) E MADRID05 0532 Natural sciences (cartography) Document submit deadline:6 month 10 d. 1 6 Spanish(Level: ) Comments: A1/A2
25 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain) E TARRAGO01 0512 Biochemistry 2 18 English(Level: B1)
Spanish(Level: B1)
26 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Spain) E TARRAGO01 0531 Chemistry 2 18 English(Level: B1)
Spanish(Level: B1)
27 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) EE TALLINN04 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti magistrantūros ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Estonian(Level: B2)
28 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 0532 Natural sciences (geography) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2) Comments: CERF
29 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 0532 Natural sciences (geology) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
30 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite d'Artois (France) F ARRAS12 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 French, English(Level: B1) Comments: English for some courses : please contact us.
31 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite d'Artois (France) F ARRAS12 071 Engineering 2 10
32 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle (UniLaSalle) (France) F BEAUVAI02 0521; 05 Environmental & Earth Sciences Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 French, English(Level: B2)
33 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle (UniLaSalle) (France) F BEAUVAI02 0712 Environmental protection technology Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygio studentas 1 5 French, English(Level: B2)
34 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences L'Universite de Franche-Comte (France) F BESANCO01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 18 1 9 French(Level: B2) Comments: no certificate required
35 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite Bordeaux Montaigne (France) F BORDEAU03 0532 Natural sciences (geography) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros lygmens studentas 1 5 French(Level: B2) Comments: Gali vykti visų studijų pakopų studentai
36 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite du Havre (France) F LEHAVR11 0532 Natural sciences (geography) 1 5 1 5
37 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite Paul Valery-Montpellier III (France) F MONTPEL03 0532 Natural sciences (geography) Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B1)
38 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite de Montpellier (France) F MONTPEL54 0521 Environmental sciences Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B1)
39 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite D'Orleans, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universite d'Orleans (France) F ORLEANS01 05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 2 10 French(Level: B2)
Englis (only for courses taught during the final year)(Level: B1)
40 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite Paris-Est Creteil (France) F PARIS012 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 10 1 10 French, English(Level: B2)
41 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite de Pau et des Pays de L' Adour (France) F PAU01 0531 Chemistry 1 6 1 6 1 6 French(Level: B1)
42 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite de Perpignan (France) F PERPIGN01 0532 Natural sciences (geography) Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 10 French(Level: B2)
43 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite de Strasbourg (France) F STRASBO48 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 French, English(Level: B2)
44 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universite de Toulouse II Le Mirail (France) F TOULOUS02 0521 Environmental sciences Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 9 French(Level: B1)
45 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University Dimikritio Panepistimio Thrakis (Greece) G KOMOTIN01 0531 Chemistry 2 12 2 12 1 6 English(Level: B1)
46 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences International Hellenic University (DIETHNES PANEPISTIMIO ELLADOS) (Greece) G THESSAL14 0531 Chemistry 2 12 2 12 1 6 English(Level: B2)
47 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universita di Camerino (Italy) I CAMERIN01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B1)
48 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universita di Catania (Italy) I CATANIA01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 2 12 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
49 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universita degli Studi di Foggia (Italy) I FOGGIA03 0521 Environmental sciences Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 20 1 10 English, Italian(Level: B1)
50 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universita degli Studi di Foggia (Italy) I FOGGIA03 0532 Natural sciences (geography) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 10 1 10 English, Italian(Level: B1)
51 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universita degli Studi di Palermo (Italy) I PALERMO01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 12 2 12 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
52 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universita degli Studi di Teramo (Italy) I TERAMO01 0512 Biochemistry Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 12 Italian(Level: B1)
53 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universita Ca Foscari di Venezia (Italy) I VENEZIA01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 2 10 2 10 Italian, English(Level: B2) Comments: Mainly Italian + a range of English taught courses
54 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universita degli Studi di Verona (Italy) I VERONA01 05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics 3 15 2 10 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
55 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 0532 Earth sciences Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Geologija, geografija 1 5 1 5 1 5 English (some clases)(Level: B1)
56 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
57 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway) N TROMSO01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Norwegian(Level: )English(Level: )
58 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway) N TROMSO01 0532 Earth sciences Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
59 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences UTP University of Science and Technology in Bydgoszcz (Poland) PL BYDGOSZ02 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
60 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Uniwersytet Gdanski (Poland) PL GDANSK01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 28 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
61 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Uniwersytet Gdanski (Poland) PL GDANSK01 0521 Environmental sciences 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Polish(Level: B2)
62 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Silesian University of Technology (Poland) PL GLIWICE01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2) Comments: Bakalauras
63 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) PL KIELCE02 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
64 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Poland) PL KRAKOW01 0532 Natural sciences (geography) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
65 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences The AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland) PL KRAKOW02 0521; 05 Environmental & Earth Sciences Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
66 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University of Lodz (Poland) PL LODZ01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)
67 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland) PL LUBLIN01 0531 Chemistry 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B1)
68 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland) PL LUBLIN01 0532 Earth sciences 1 5 1 5 1 5 Polish(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2) Comments: limited number of courses in English
69 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences School of Higher Vocational Education in Nysa (Poland) PL NYSA01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)Polish(Level: )
70 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poland) PL POZNAN01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
71 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Pomeranian University in Slupsk (Poland) PL SLUPSK01 0532 Earth sciences Document submit deadline:5 month 6 d. 2 10 English, Polish(Level: B2)
72 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Pomeranian University in Slupsk (Poland) PL SLUPSK01 0521 Environmental sciences Document submit deadline:5 month 6 d. 2 10 English, Polish(Level: B2)
73 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 0532 Earth sciences Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 2 10 English, Polish(Level: B2)
74 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
75 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 0532 Natural sciences (geography) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 10 1 10 Polish, English(Level: B2)
76 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
77 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN (Poland) PL WARSZAW84 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 6 English(Level: B2)
78 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Universitatea Dunarea de jos Galati (Romania) RO GALATI01 0531 Chemistry Nomination deadline:11 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:12 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English; Romanian(Level: B1)
79 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Göteborgs universitet (Sweden) S GOTEBOR01 0532 Earth sciences Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B2)
80 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Göteborgs universitet (Sweden) S GOTEBOR01 0521 Environmental sciences Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B2)
81 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Lulea University of Technology (Sweden) S LULEA01 053 Physical sciences Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
82 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Lunds universitet (Sweden) S LUND01 0532 Earth sciences Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Neviršyti vietų-papildomų studentų nepriima 1 5 English(Level: )
Swedish(Level: B2) Comments: IELTS 6.5/ TOEFL 90
83 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Lunds universitet (Sweden) S LUND01 0531 Chemistry 1 5 English(Level: B2)
84 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University of Maribor (Slovenia) Sl MARIBOR01 0712 Environmental protection technology Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)
85 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences University of Maribor (Slovenia) Sl MARIBOR01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
86 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia) SK BRATISL01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Faculty of Materials Sciences and Technology, gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentas 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)
87 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Cukurova University (Turkey) TR ADANA01 0531 Chemistry 1 10
88 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Afyon Kocatepe University (Turkey) TR AFYON01 0531 Chemistry 3 30
89 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Gazi University (Turkey) TR ANKARA02 0512 Biochemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 9 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
90 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Gazi University (Turkey) TR ANKARA02 0532 Earth sciences Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 9 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
91 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Gazi University (Turkey) TR ANKARA02 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 9 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
92 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Abant Izzet Baysal University (Turkey) TR BOLU01 0531 Chemistry 2 10 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
93 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Mehmet Akif Ersoy University (Turkey) TR BURDUR01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
94 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) TR CANAKKA01 0531 Chemistry Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5
95 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) TR CANAKKA01 0532 Earth sciences 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
96 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Pamukkale Univesitesi (Turkey) TR DENIZLI01 0531 Chemistry 1 10 1 10
97 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Erzurum Technical University (Turkey) TR ERZURUM02 053 Physical sciences Nomination deadline:1 month 12 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
98 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Yıldız Technical University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU07 0531 Chemistry Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 2 10 2 10
99 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Istanbul Gedik University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU42 053 Physical sciences Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 10 1 10 Turkish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
100 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Selcuk University (Turkey) TR KONYA01 053 Physical sciences Document submit deadline:8 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 English, Turkish(Level: B1)
101 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Dumlupinar University (Turkey) TR KUTAHAYA01 0531 Chemistry 2 10 2 10 2 10
102 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences Manisa Celal Bayar University (Turkey) TR MANISA01 0531 Chemistry Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English, Turkish(Level: B1)
103 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Fachhochschule Burgenland (Austria) A EISENST02 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German, English(Level: B2)
104 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Graz (Austria) A GRAZ01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
105 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Salzburg (Austria) A SALZBUR01 0488 Business, Administration and Law Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 German, English(Level: B2)
106 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration FHS Kufstein Tirol Bildungs-GMBH (Austria) A KUFSTEI01 041 Business and administration 1 5 English(Level: B2)
107 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Antwerp (Belgium) B ANTWERP01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 2 10 Dutch(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
108 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Haute Ecole "Robert Schuman" (Belgium) B ARLON09 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 French, English(Level: B1) Comments: English (limited courses)
109 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) B LEUVEN01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
Dutch(Level: B2) Comments: Bachelor - B2, Master - C1
Bachelor - B2, Master - C1
110 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration American University in Bulgaria (Bulgaria) BG BLAGOEV03 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
111 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration American University in Bulgaria (Bulgaria) BG BLAGOEV03 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
112 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Bern (Switzerland) CH BERN01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 10 German; English(Level: B2)
113 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale HES-SO (Switzerland) CH DELEMON02 041 Business and administration 4 20
114 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration European University Cyprus (Cyprus) CY NICOSIA24 0413 Management and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 English, Greek(Level: B2)
115 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic) CZ BRNO02 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros lygio studentas 1 5 English(Level: B2)
116 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration VŠB-Technicka Univerzita Ostrava (Czech Republic) CZ OSTRAVA01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics 1 5 1 5
117 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Finance and Administration (Czech Republic) CZ PRAHA13 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5
118 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Augsburg (Germany) D AUGSBUR01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 2 10 2 10 German; English(Level: B1) Comments: English-B2
119 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Germany) D BAMBERG01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: B1)
120 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) D DRESDEN02 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
121 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany) D FRANKFU08 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
122 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Greifswald (Germany) D GREIFS01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
123 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Hamburg (Germany) D HAMBURG01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
124 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Hamburg (Germany) D HAMBURG01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 2 10 German(Level: B1)
125 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Karlshochschule International University (Germany) D KARLSRU08 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 German; English(Level: B2) Comments: CEFR
126 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Kassel (Germany) D KASSEL01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygio studentas 1 5 English, German(Level: B2)
127 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Kassel (Germany) D KASSEL01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygio studentas 2 10 English, German(Level: B2)
128 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Leipzig (Germany) D LEIPZIG01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B2)
129 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Fachhochschule Mainz (Germany) D MAINZ08 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: ) Comments: BA:B1-B2; MA:B2-C1
130 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Hochschule Osnabruck (Germany) D OSNABRU02 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 German; English(Level: ) Comments: BA-B1; MA-B2
131 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universität Siegen (Germany) D SIEGEN01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 German(Level: B2)
132 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany) D WURZBUR01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German, English(Level: B1)
133 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany) D WURZBUR01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German, English(Level: B1)
134 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universidad de Huelva (Spain) E HUELVA01 0413 Management and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 4 20 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
135 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universidad de Jaen (Spain) E JAEN01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
136 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) E LAS-PAL01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 18 Spanish(Level: B1)
137 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (Spain) E MADRID01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics 1 5 Spanish(Level: B1)
138 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) E MADRID03 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 4 20 Spanish(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
139 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universidad de Sevilla (Spain) E SEVILLA01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 Spanish(Level: B2)
140 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) E ZARAGOZ01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 10 Spanish(Level: B1)
141 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universidad San Jorge (Spain) E ZARAGOZ07 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 6 Spanish, English(Level: B1) Comments: English for some courses
142 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) EE TALLINN04 0413 Management and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)Estonian(Level: )
143 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
144 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universite de Savoie (France) F CHAMBER01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5
145 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration ESC Clermont Graduate Schoopl of Management (France) F CLERMON46 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 1 5 English, French(Level: B2)
146 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Grenoble IAE (INP-UGA) (France) F GRENOBL22 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. Comments: for Bussines and Administration 1 5 English(Level: B1)
French(Level: B2)
147 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Grenoble IAE (INP-UGA) (France) F GRENOBL22 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 1 10 French(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
148 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Lille (France) F LILLE103 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 French, English(Level: B1) Comments: English for some courses
149 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universite Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne (France) F PARIS001 0311 Economics Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 English(Level: B2)
150 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universite Paris-Est Creteil (France) F PARIS012 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 French, English(Level: B2)
151 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universite Paris-Est Creteil (France) F PARIS012 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 French, English(Level: B2)
152 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universite de Paris (France) F PARIS482 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 French, English(Level: B2)
153 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration NEOMA Business School (France) F REIMS25 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B2)English(Level: ) Comments: IELTS 6.0 of TOEFL 85
154 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Rennes School of Business (France) F RENNES27 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 10 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 20 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
155 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universite de Rouen (France) F ROUEN01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 1 10 French(Level: B2)
156 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universite de Rouen (France) F ROUEN01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 French(Level: B2)
157 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (France) F ST-ETIE01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 20 d. 2 10 French, English(Level: B1)
158 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universite de Strasbourg (France) F STRASBO48 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Faculte de Sciences Economiques 1 5 1 5 French, English(Level: )
159 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Ioannina (Greece) G IOANNIN01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Greek(Level: B1)
160 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Rijeka (Croatia) HR RIJEKA01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 10 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
161 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Zagreb (Croatia) HR ZAGREB01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Document submit deadline:5 month 10 d. 2 10 1 5 1 5 English, Croatian(Level: B2)
162 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary) HU BUDAPES03 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 5 d. 2 10 1 5 1 5 English, Hungarian(Level: B2)
163 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Szechenyi Istvan University (Hungary) HU GYOR01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
164 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita di Bologna, Forli campus (Italy) I BOLOGNA01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
165 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita di Bologna, Rimini campus (Italy) I BOLOGNA01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 5 30 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
166 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (Italy) I CASSINO01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
167 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) I FERRARA01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Nomination deadline:9 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:9 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
168 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita degli Studi di Firenze (Italy) I FIRENZE01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics 1 6 1 6 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
169 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita degli Studi di Foggia (Italy) I FOGGIA03 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:7 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B1)
170 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita degli Studi di Messina (Italy) I MESSINA01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 1 10 Italian(Level: B1) Comments: no certificate required
171 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita degli Studi di Milano (Italy) I MILANO01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
172 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) I MILANO03 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B2) Comments: TOEFL -79 iBT, IELTS - 6 or an equivalent certificate
173 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Università degli studi di Parma (Italy) I PARMA01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 1 6 Italian(Level: A2)
English (some clases)(Level: B1)
174 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita LUMSA di Roma (Italy) I ROMA04 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics 2 10 English(Level: B2)
175 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita di Siena (Italy) I SIENA01 0311 Economics 1 5 1 5
176 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita Degli Studi di Torino (Italy) I TORINO01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
177 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universita Ca Foscari di Venezia (Italy) I VENEZIA01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: Tik MA 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B2) Comments: Mainly Italian + a range of English taught courses
178 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Latvian, English(Level: B1)
179 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (Latvia) LV RIGA14 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
180 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Stockholm School of Economics in Riga (Latvia) LV RIGA14 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
181 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration The University of Malta (Malta) MT MALTA01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
182 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Ostfold University College (Norway) N HALDEN02 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 5 25 English(Level: B1)
183 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universiteit van Amsterdam (Netherlands) NL AMSTERD01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 22 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
184 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Netherlands) NL AMSTERD02 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English (Erasmus OLS testas netinka)(Level: C1)
Dutch(Level: C1) Comments: BA-TOEFL IBT at least 92; IELTS at least 6.5. MA-• IELTS: 6.5 - note that you must take the Academic test and not the General one! • TOEFL paper-based test: 580 • TOEFL computer-based test: 237 • TOEFL internet-based test: 92 • Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (CAE): A & B • Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE): A, B, C (For TOEFL, IELTS and Cambridge Certificates, the test must not be older than two years.)
185 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Tilburg University (Netherlands) NL TILBURG01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 14 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2) Comments: IELTS:6.0, TOEFL:550/80
186 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universidade do Minho (Portugal) P BRAGA01 0311 Economics Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5 Portuguese(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
187 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa, ISCAL (Portugal) P LISBOA05 041 Business and administration 1 5 Portuguese(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2) Comments: just recommended
188 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Instituto Politecnico de Viseu (Portugal) P VISEU01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 2 10 Portuguese(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
189 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Instituto Politecnico de Viseu (Portugal) P VISEU01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 1 5 Portuguese(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
190 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Akademia Ekonomiczna w Poznaniu (Poland) PL POZNAN03 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Polish(Level: B1)
191 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 041 Business and administration 2 10 English(Level: B2)
192 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Warsaw School of Economics (Poland) PL WARSZAW03 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 10 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 19 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
193 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland) PL WROCLAW03 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 10 d. 2 10 2 10 English, Polish(Level: B2)
194 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Academia de Studii Economice din Bucuresti (Romania) RO BUCURES04 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
French, Romanian(Level: B1)
195 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Universitatea "Lucian Blaga"din Sibiu (Romania) RO SIBIU01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Romanian, English(Level: B1)
196 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Högskolan Kristianstad (Sweden) S KRISTIA01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 2 10 English, Swedish(Level: B1)
197 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Ljublijana, Faculty of Administration (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 0311 Economics Comments: Galima vykti tik pavasario semestro studijoms 1 5 Slovene, English(Level: B2)
198 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration University of Ljublijana, Faculty of Administration (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 041 Business and administration Comments: Galima vykti tik pavasario semestro studijoms 1 5 Slovene, English(Level: B2)
199 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia) SK BRATISL02 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 1 10 English(Level: B2)
200 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Vysoka Skola Manazmentu v Trencine (Slovakia) SK TRENCIN02 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Mokslai vyksta trimestrais-važiuoti 2 trimestrams, kitaip per trumpas periodas 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)
201 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Hacettepe University (Turkey) TR ANKARA03 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Department of Industrial Engineering 1 5 English(Level: B2)
202 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Hacettepe University (Turkey) TR ANKARA03 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Department of Economics 1 5 English(Level: B2)
203 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Hacettepe University (Turkey) TR ANKARA03 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Department of Business Administration 2 10 English(Level: B2)
204 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Atilim University (Turkey) TR ANKARA05 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: Gali išvykti ir kitų pakopų studentai 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
205 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Atilim University (Turkey) TR ANKARA05 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir kitų pakopų studentai 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
206 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Newcastle University (United Kingdom) UK NEWCAST01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
207 Faculty of Philology Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck (Austria) A INNSBRU01 023 Languages (translation) Nomination deadline:7 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
208 Faculty of Philology Universität Wien (Austria) A WIEN01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5 German(Level: B2)
209 Faculty of Philology Universität Wien (Austria) A WIEN01 023 Languages (Turkish language) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5 German(Level: B2)
210 Faculty of Philology University of Antwerp (Belgium) B ANTWERP01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
211 Faculty of Philology Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) B BRUSSEL01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 20 English, Dutch(Level: B2)
212 Faculty of Philology Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) B BRUXEL04 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 10 d. 2 20 French(Level: B1)
213 Faculty of Philology Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) B BRUXEL04 023 Languages (translation) 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B2)
214 Faculty of Philology Universiteit Gent (Belgium) B GENT01 023 Languages 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B1)
215 Faculty of Philology Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) B LEUVEN01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:10 month 1 d. Comments: Faculty of Arts 2 10 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
216 Faculty of Philology New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria) BG SOFIA02 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian, English(Level: B1)
217 Faculty of Philology New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria) BG SOFIA02 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 Russian, English(Level: B1)
218 Faculty of Philology Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria) BG SOFIA30 0232 Literature and linguistics Comments: Nėra nustatyto termino 1 5 English(Level: B1)
219 Faculty of Philology St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria) BG VELIKO01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Bulgarian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
220 Faculty of Philology St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo (Bulgaria) BG VELIKO01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Bulgarian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
221 Faculty of Philology University of Cyprus (Cyprus) CY NICOSIA01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 English, Greek(Level: B2) Comments: English for some courses
222 Faculty of Philology University of Cyprus (Cyprus) CY NICOSIA01 023 Languages (Classical Philology) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 English, Greek(Level: B2) Comments: English for some courses
223 Faculty of Philology Masaryk University (Czech Republic) CZ BRNO05 023 Languages (Slavic studies) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Minimum 20 ECTS per semester 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
224 Faculty of Philology Masaryk University (Czech Republic) CZ BRNO05 023 Languages (Baltic studies) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Minimum 20 ECTS per semester, gali vykti ir MA ar PHD pakopos studentas 1 6 English(Level: B2)
225 Faculty of Philology Univerzita Palackeho V Olomouci (Czech Republic) CZ OLOMOUC01 023 Languages 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
226 Faculty of Philology Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyne v Usti nad Labem (Faculty of Arts) (Czech Republic) CZ USTINAD01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai (Faculty of Arts) 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
227 Faculty of Philology Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyne v Usti nad Labem (Faculty of Education) (Czech Republic) CZ USTINAD01 0232 Literature and linguistics (English) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Czech(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
228 Faculty of Philology Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany) D BERLIN01 023 Languages (Latin language and literature) Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 German(Level: B1)
229 Faculty of Philology Ruhr Universität Bochum (Germany) D BOCHUM01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 1 5 German; English(Level: B1) Comments: English-B2
230 Faculty of Philology Universität Erfurt (Germany) D ERFURT05 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 20 German, English(Level: B1) Comments: English (limited offers)
231 Faculty of Philology Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany) D ESSEN04 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 2 10 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
232 Faculty of Philology Fachhochschule Flensburg (Germany) D FLENSBU02 023 Languages (translation) Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 1 9 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
233 Faculty of Philology J.W.Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Main) (Germany) D FRANKFU01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B2)
234 Faculty of Philology Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany) D FRANKFU08 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 3 15 2 10 German; English(Level: B2)
235 Faculty of Philology Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (Germany) D GIESSEN01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 German; English(Level: B1) Comments: English-B2
236 Faculty of Philology Universität Greifswald (Germany) D GREIFS01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 2 10 1 5 German(Level: B1)
237 Faculty of Philology Universität Greifswald (Germany) D GREIFS01 023 Languages (English language) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
238 Faculty of Philology Universität Hamburg (Germany) D HAMBURG01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 German(Level: B1)
239 Faculty of Philology Universität Hannover (Germany) D HANNOVE01 023 Languages (German language) Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 6 German(Level: B2)
240 Faculty of Philology Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Germany) D HEIDELB01 023 Languages (Slavic studies) Comments: Slavic Studies 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2) Comments: for courses in German
for courses in English
241 Faculty of Philology Universität Konstanz (Germany) D KONSTAN01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: B2)
242 Faculty of Philology Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Germany) D LUDWIGB01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
243 Faculty of Philology Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg (Germany) D LUDWIGB01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
244 Faculty of Philology Leuphana Universität Lüneburg (Germany) D LUNEBUR01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 10 German(Level: A2)
English(Level: B2)
245 Faculty of Philology Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany) D MAINZ01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 German(Level: B1) Comments: English for some courses
246 Faculty of Philology Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) D MARBURG01 023 Languages (Classical Philology) Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B2)
247 Faculty of Philology Universität Münster (Germany) D MUNSTER01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
248 Faculty of Philology Universität Potsdam (Germany) D POTSDAM01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German(Level: B1)
249 Faculty of Philology Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany) D WURZBUR01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 2 10 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
250 Faculty of Philology Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany) D WURZBUR01 0232 Literature and linguistics Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 2 10 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
251 Faculty of Philology Aalborg Universitet (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Denmark) DK ALBORG01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: NORDLIKS:; gali vykti ir MA pakopos studentas 1 5 Danish(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
252 Faculty of Philology Syddansk Universitet (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Denmark) DK ODENSE01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 English, Danish(Level: )
253 Faculty of Philology Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) E BARCELO02 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 4 20 Catalan, Spanish, English(Level: B1)
254 Faculty of Philology Universidad de Cadiz (Spain) E CADIZ01 0232 Literature and linguistics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 Spanish(Level: B1)
255 Faculty of Philology Universitat Jaume I (Spain) E CASTELL01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 18 2 10 Spanish, Catalan, English(Level: A2) Comments: Catalan 18%, English 6%
256 Faculty of Philology Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha (Spain) E CIUDAR01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
257 Faculty of Philology Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) E LAS-PAL01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 4 20 English(Level: B1)
Spanish(Level: B1)
258 Faculty of Philology Universidad de Leon (Spain) E LEON01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 20 1 10 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
259 Faculty of Philology Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) E MADRID03 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Faculty of Philology 1 5 1 5 Spanish(Level: B2) Comments: Philology students, please see:
260 Faculty of Philology Universidad de Oviedo (Spain) E OVIEDO01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 20 Spanish(Level: B1)
261 Faculty of Philology Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) E SANTIAG01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Faculty of Philology, campus Santiago 2 10 Spanish(Level: B1) Comments: Certificate
262 Faculty of Philology Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain) E SANTIAG01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Faculty of Humanities, campus in Lugo 3 27 Spanish, Galician(Level: B1)
263 Faculty of Philology Universitat de Valencia (Spain) E VALENCI01 023 Languages (Spanish) Nomination deadline:5 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 20 d. 1 5 Spanish(Level: )
264 Faculty of Philology Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) E ZARAGOZ01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 20 Spanish, English(Level: B2)
265 Faculty of Philology Tallinn University (Estonia) EE TALLINN05 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B2) Comments: MA,PHD-B2
266 Faculty of Philology Tallinn University (Estonia) EE TALLINN05 0232 Literature and linguistics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian, English(Level: B2) Comments: MA,PHD-B2
267 Faculty of Philology University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 023 Languages Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Institute of Estonian and General Linguistics 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
268 Faculty of Philology University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 023 Languages (German language) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Department of German Studies 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Estonian(Level: B1)
269 Faculty of Philology University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 023 Languages (Classical Philology) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Department of Classical Studies; Gali vykti ir PHD studentas 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: B2)
270 Faculty of Philology University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 023 Languages (English language) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Department of English Studies 2 10 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
271 Faculty of Philology University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 022 Humanities (exept languages) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:11 month 1 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
272 Faculty of Philology Universite de Picardie Jules Verne (France) F AMIENS01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 4 20 French(Level: B1)
273 Faculty of Philology Universite Catholique de l'Ouest (France) F ANGERS04 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 4 20 2 10 French, English, German, Spanish, Italian(Level: B2)
274 Faculty of Philology Universite de Savoie (France) F CHAMBER01 023 Languages 4 20 French(Level: B1)
275 Faculty of Philology Universite de Bourgogne (France) F DIJON01 023 Languages (French) Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 English, French(Level: B1)
276 Faculty of Philology Institut Catholique d'Etudes Superieures (France) F LAROCHE01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 French, English(Level: B1)
277 Faculty of Philology Institut Catholique d'Etudes Superieures (France) F LAROCHE01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 French, English(Level: B1)
278 Faculty of Philology Universite du Maine (France) F LEMANS01 023 Languages (French) 4 20 French(Level: B2)
279 Faculty of Philology University of Lille (France) F LILLE103 023 Languages 5 25 French(Level: B1)
280 Faculty of Philology Université de Limoges (France) F LIMOGES01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 1 5 French(Level: B2)
281 Faculty of Philology Universite Jean-Moulin Lyon 3 (France) F LYON03 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 10 1 10 French, English(Level: B1) Comments: English-TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC
282 Faculty of Philology Universite de Nantes (France) F NANTES01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 9 1 9 French(Level: B2)
283 Faculty of Philology Universite de Nantes (France) F NANTES01 023 Languages (French) Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: French as a foreign language 2 10 French(Level: B2)
284 Faculty of Philology Universite Paris-Est Creteil (France) F PARIS012 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 2 10 2 10 1 5 French, English(Level: B2)
285 Faculty of Philology Institut National des langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) (France) F PARIS178 023 Languages Nomination deadline:3 month Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 2 10 2 10 French(Level: B1)
286 Faculty of Philology ISIT (Institut de Management et de Communication Interculturels) (France) F PARIS379 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 6 30 French(Level: B1)
English, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Arabic(Level: B2)
287 Faculty of Philology Universite de Paris (France) F PARIS482 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 French(Level: B2)
288 Faculty of Philology Universite de Paris (France) F PARIS482 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 4 20 2 20 French(Level: B1)
289 Faculty of Philology Universite de Poitiers (France) F POITIER01 023 Languages (French) Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 3 15 French(Level: B1)
290 Faculty of Philology Universite de Poitiers (France) F POITIER01 0232 Literature and linguistics Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 3 15 French(Level: B1)
291 Faculty of Philology Universite de Rouen (France) F ROUEN01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 9 1 9 French(Level: B2)
292 Faculty of Philology Universite de Strasbourg (France) F STRASBO48 023 Languages Comments: Ecole de Management Strasbourg 2 20 2 20 French(Level: B1)
293 Faculty of Philology Institut Catholique de Toulouse (France) F TOULOUS09 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 French(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
294 Faculty of Philology Institut Catholique de Toulouse (France) F TOULOUS09 0232 Literature and linguistics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
295 Faculty of Philology Universite de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines (France) F VERSAIL11 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 20 French, English(Level: B2) Comments: English-B1
296 Faculty of Philology University Dimikritio Panepistimio Thrakis (Greece) G KOMOTIN01 0232 Literature and linguistics 2 10 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B2)
297 Faculty of Philology University of Ioannina (Greece) G IOANNIN01 0232 Literature and linguistics 3 18 Greek(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
298 Faculty of Philology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) G THESSAL01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 Greek, English(Level: B1)
299 Faculty of Philology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) G THESSAL01 0232 Literature and linguistics Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
300 Faculty of Philology Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Croatia) HR OSIJEK01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Croatian(Level: B2)
301 Faculty of Philology University of Split (Croatia) HR SPLIT01 023 Languages 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
302 Faculty of Philology University of Zagreb (Croatia) HR ZAGREB01 023 Languages (Russian language) Document submit deadline:5 month 10 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian(Level: B2)
303 Faculty of Philology Szechenyi Istvan University (Hungary) HU GYOR01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
Hungarian(Level: B1)
304 Faculty of Philology University of Sopron (Hungary) HU SOPRON01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 2 20 2 20 1 10 Russian, English(Level: B1)
305 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi de Bari Aldo Moro (Italy) I BARI01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 20 d. 3 30 French, English. Spanish(Level: B1)
306 Faculty of Philology Universita di Bologna (Italy) I BOLOGNA01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 6 1 6 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
307 Faculty of Philology Universita di Bologna (Italy) I BOLOGNA01 0232 Literature and linguistics Nomination deadline:7 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
308 Faculty of Philology Università degli studi di Cagliari (Italy) I CAGLIAR01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 3 15 Italian(Level: A1)
English, Romanian(Level: B1)
309 Faculty of Philology Universita di Catania (Italy) I CATANIA01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:5 month 1 6 Italian(Level: A2)
310 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi di Foggia (Italy) I FOGGIA03 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
Italian(Level: B1)
311 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi di Genova (Italy) I GENOVA01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:9 month 30 d. 1 6 Italian, English(Level: B1) Comments: English for some courses
312 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi di Genova (Italy) I GENOVA01 023 Languages 4 20 French, Russian, Spanish(Level: B1)
313 Faculty of Philology Universita del Salento (Italy) I LECCE01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 Italian(Level: B1)
314 Faculty of Philology Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) I MILANO03 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 3 15 3 15 Italian, English(Level: B2) Comments: TOEFL -79 iBT, IELTS - 6 or an equivalent certificate
315 Faculty of Philology Università degli Studi di Napoli l'Orientale (Italy) I NAPOLI02 023 Languages (Russian language) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B1)
316 Faculty of Philology Università degli Studi di Napoli "Parthenope" (Italy) I NAPOLI03 023 Languages (English, French) Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 3 15 Italian, English(Level: B1)
317 Faculty of Philology I.U.M. Academy School (Italy) I NAPOLI10 023 Languages 4 20
318 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi di Padova (Italy) I PADOVA01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
319 Faculty of Philology Università degli studi di Parma (Italy) I PARMA01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 9 1 9 1 9 Italian(Level: A2)
English (some clases)(Level: B1)
320 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi di Pavia (Italy) I PAVIA01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B1)
321 Faculty of Philology Universita di Perugia (Italy) I PERUGIA01 023 Languages 1 10 2 20 1 10
322 Faculty of Philology Universita per Stranieri di Perugia (Italy) I PERUGIA06 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 3 15 2 10 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
323 Faculty of Philology Universita di Pisa (Italy) I PISA01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
324 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy) I ROMA01 023 Languages 1 5 2 10 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
325 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi Roma Tre (Italy) I ROMA16 023 Languages (Russian language) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 12 1 6 Italian, English(Level: )
326 Faculty of Philology Universita per Stranieri di Siena (Italy) I SIENA02 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 4 20 3 15 Italian(Level: )
327 Faculty of Philology Universita Degli Studi di Torino (Italy) I TORINO01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6
328 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi di Trento (Italy) I TRENTO01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 2 10 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B2)
329 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi di Udine (Italy) I UDINE01 023 Languages 2 12 1 6
330 Faculty of Philology Universita degli Studi di Verona (Italy) I VERONA01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 5 25 2 20 1 10 Italian, English(Level: B1)
331 Faculty of Philology Daugavpils universitate (Latvia) LV DAUGAVP01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
332 Faculty of Philology Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 023 Languages (Classical Philology) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
333 Faculty of Philology Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 023 Languages (English language) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B1)
334 Faculty of Philology Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 023 Languages (Baltic studies) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B1)
335 Faculty of Philology Riga Teacher Training and Education Management Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA27 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
336 Faculty of Philology SS. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (North Macedonia) MK SKOPJE01 023 Languages (English, German, French, Russian, Spanish) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 1 5 Macedonian(Level: B2)
English (selected courses)(Level: B2)
337 Faculty of Philology Universitetet i Bergen (Norway) N BERGEN01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 20 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 25 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Norwegian(Level: B2)
338 Faculty of Philology Universitetet i Bergen (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Norway) N BERGEN01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 20 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 25 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Norwegian, English(Level: B1)
339 Faculty of Philology Universitetet i Agder (Norway) N KRISTIA01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 20 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 5 English, Norwegian(Level: B1)
340 Faculty of Philology Universitetet i Agder (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Norway) N KRISTIA01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Norwegian, English(Level: B1)
341 Faculty of Philology Universitetet i Oslo (Norway) N OSLO01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5
342 Faculty of Philology Universitetet i Oslo (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Norway) N OSLO01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Norwegian, English(Level: B1)
343 Faculty of Philology UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway) N TROMSO01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 Norwegian, English(Level: B1)
344 Faculty of Philology UiT The Arctic University of Norway (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Norway) N TROMSO01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Norwegian, English(Level: B1)
345 Faculty of Philology Volda University College (Norway) N VOLDA01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 1 5 Norwegian, English(Level: B2)
346 Faculty of Philology Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (Netherlands) NL GRONING01 023 Languages 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
347 Faculty of Philology Polytechnic Institute of Braganca (Portugal) P BRAGANC01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 4 20 Portuguese(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
348 Faculty of Philology Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) P COIMBRA01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 3 15 2 10 1 5 Portuguese(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
349 Faculty of Philology Universidade do Porto (Portugal) P PORTO02 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 Portuguese, English(Level: )
350 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku (Poland) PL BIALYST04 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 2 10 French(Level: B1)
351 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy (Poland) PL BYDGOSZ01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
352 Faculty of Philology Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) PL CZESTOC02 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
353 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Gdanski (Poland) PL GDANSK01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 28 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 3 15 2 10 Russian, Polish(Level: B1)
354 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Gdanski (Poland) PL GDANSK01 023 Languages (Slavic studies) Nomination deadline:5 month 28 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 2 10 English, Polish(Level: B1)
355 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Gdanski (Poland) PL GDANSK01 023 Languages (Russian language) 3 15 Russian(Level: B1)
356 Faculty of Philology University of Silesia (Poland) PL KATOWIC01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B1)
Polish(Level: A2)
357 Faculty of Philology Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) PL KIELCE02 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
358 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Poland) PL KRAKOW01 023 Languages (Slavic studies) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian, English(Level: B1) Comments: English-B2
359 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Poland) PL KRAKOW01 023 Languages (Polish language) Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 10 1 10 Polish, English(Level: B1) Comments: English-B2
360 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Poland) PL KRAKOW01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 10 1 10 Polish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
361 Faculty of Philology Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow (Poland) PL KRAKOW08 022 Humanities (exept languages) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 10 Polish, English(Level: B2)
362 Faculty of Philology University of Lodz (Poland) PL LODZ01 023 Languages (English, French) Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir anglistikos studentai 2 12 2 12 English, Polish(Level: B2)
363 Faculty of Philology University of Lodz (Poland) PL LODZ01 023 Languages (Russian language) Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. 2 10 2 10 Russian(Level: B1)
364 Faculty of Philology University of Lodz (Poland) PL LODZ01 023 Languages (Slavic studies) Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)
Polish(Level: B1)
365 Faculty of Philology University of Lodz (Poland) PL LODZ01 023 Languages (Polish language) Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B2)
366 Faculty of Philology Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland) PL LUBLIN01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 Polish(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2) Comments: selected courses
367 Faculty of Philology Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II (Poland) PL LUBLIN02 023 Languages (Polish language) Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 10 Polish, English(Level: B1)
368 Faculty of Philology Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawla II (Poland) PL LUBLIN02 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 10 Polish, English(Level: B1)
369 Faculty of Philology School of Higher Vocational Education in Nysa (Poland) PL NYSA01 023 Languages 2 10 English(Level: B1)
370 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Warminsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie (Poland) PL OLSZTYN01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 20 2 20 1 10 English, Polish(Level: B1)
371 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Opolski (Poland) PL OPOLE01 023 Languages (English language) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 4 20 4 20 2 10 English, Polish(Level: B2)
372 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poland) PL POZNAN01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
373 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poland) PL POZNAN01 023 Languages (Russian language) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 2 10 2 10 Polish, English, Russian(Level: B1)
374 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Rzeszowski (Poland) PL RZESZOW02 023 Languages (English,Polish, Russian, German) Nomination deadline:5 month 20 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
Polish, Russian, German(Level: B1)
375 Faculty of Philology Pomeranian University in Slupsk (Poland) PL SLUPSK01 023 Languages (Polish language) 2 10 Polish(Level: B2)
376 Faculty of Philology Szczecin University (Poland) PL SZCZECI01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 3 30 Italian, French, English, Polish(Level: B1)
377 Faculty of Philology Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 Italian, English, Polish(Level: B2)
378 Faculty of Philology Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 2 10 2 10 English, Russian (Level: B2)
379 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 023 Languages (Slavic studies) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian(Level: B1)
380 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 023 Languages (Baltic studies) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Faculty of Polish Studies 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
381 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 023 Languages (English language) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Institute of English Studies 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
382 Faculty of Philology Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie (Poland) PL WARSZAW07 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 12 1 6 2 12 English, Polish(Level: B1)
383 Faculty of Philology Institute of Literary Research of The Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland) PL WARSZAW76 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:9 month 15 d. 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
384 Faculty of Philology Institute of Slavic Studeies Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland) PL WARSZAW85 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 Polish(Level: B2)
other Slavic languages or English(Level: B2)
385 Faculty of Philology Wroclaw University (Poland) PL WROCLAW01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
386 Faculty of Philology Wroclaw University (Poland) PL WROCLAW01 023 Languages (Classical Philology) Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
387 Faculty of Philology University of Bucharest (Romania) RO BUCURES09 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 5 25 English, Spanish, Russian, French(Level: B1)
388 Faculty of Philology University of Bucharest (Romania) RO BUCURES09 023 Languages (English language) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
389 Faculty of Philology Högskolan Dalarna (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Sweden) S FALUN01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
390 Faculty of Philology Göteborgs universitet (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Sweden) S GOTEBOR01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 Swedish, English(Level: B1)
391 Faculty of Philology Lunds universitet (Sweden) S LUND01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Neviršyti vietų-papildomų studentų nepriima 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Swedish(Level: C1) Comments: IELTS 6.5/ TOEFL 90
392 Faculty of Philology Umea University (Sweden) S UMEA01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: No late nominations 1 5 2 10 English(Level: B1)
393 Faculty of Philology Uppsala Universitet (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Sweden) S UPPSALA01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Swedish, English(Level: B2)
394 Faculty of Philology Mälardalens Högskola (Sweden) S VASTERA01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Swedish(Level: B2)
395 Faculty of Philology Linnaeus University (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Sweden) S VAXJO03 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 Swedish, English(Level: B2)
396 Faculty of Philology University of Helsinki (Finland) SF HELSINK01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Finnish, Swedish, English(Level: B2)
397 Faculty of Philology University of Helsinki (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Finland) SF HELSINK01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Finnish, Swedish, English(Level: B2)
398 Faculty of Philology University of Jyväskylä (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Finland) SF JYVASKY01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Finnish, English(Level: )
399 Faculty of Philology University of Oulu (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Finland) SF OULU01 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Finnish, English(Level: B2)
400 Faculty of Philology Tampere University (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Finland) SF TAMPERE17 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Finnish, English(Level: B2)
401 Faculty of Philology University of Turku (Finland) SF TURKU01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 5 Finnish, English(Level: B2)
402 Faculty of Philology Abo Akademi University (NORDLIKS tinklas) (Finland) SF TURKU02 023 Languages (Scandinavian) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: NORDLIKS: 1 5 1 5 Swedish, English(Level: B2)
403 Faculty of Philology University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 023 Languages (English language) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 English(Level: B2)
404 Faculty of Philology University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 023 Languages (Slovenian and Russian languages) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 2 10 1 5 Slovenian, English(Level: B2)
405 Faculty of Philology University of Maribor (Slovenia) Sl MARIBOR01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 3 15 2 10 English(Level: B1)
406 Faculty of Philology Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia) SK KOSICE02 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B1)
Slovak(Level: A1)
407 Faculty of Philology Balikesir University (Turkey) TR BALIKES01 023 Languages 5 25
408 Faculty of Philology Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) TR CANAKKA01 0232 Literature and linguistics 4 20 2 10 2 10 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
409 Faculty of Philology Duzce University (Turkey) TR DUZCE01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 20 1 10 Turkish(Level: B1)
410 Faculty of Philology Gaziantep University (Turkey) TR GAZIANT01 023 Languages 3 15 English(Level: B2)
411 Faculty of Philology Istanbul University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU03 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 4 20 Russian, English(Level: B1)
412 Faculty of Philology Halic University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU15 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B2)
413 Faculty of Philology Ege University (Turkey) TR IZMIR02 023 Languages 1 5 English(Level: B1)
414 Faculty of Philology Inonu University (Turkey) TR MALATYA01 0232 Literature and linguistics Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 30 d. 2 10 1 5 1 5 Turkish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1) Comments: several courses
415 Faculty of Philology University of Gaziosmanpasa (Turkey) TR TOKAT01 023 Languages 3 15 English(Level: B1)
Turkish(Level: B1)
416 Faculty of Philology Karadeniz Technical University (Turkey) TR TRABZON01 023 Languages (Turkish language) Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Turkish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
417 Faculty of Philosophy Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) B BRUSSEL01 0314 Sociology (Criminology) 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
Dutch(Level: B2)
418 Faculty of Philosophy Universiteit Gent (Belgium) B GENT01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 12 1 12 Dutch, English(Level: B2)
419 Faculty of Philosophy Universiteit Gent (Belgium) B GENT01 0314 Sociology (Criminology) 21 10 1 5 English(Level: B2)
420 Faculty of Philosophy Plovdivski Universitet "Paisii Hilendarski" (Bulgaria) BG PLOVDIV04 011 Education Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
421 Faculty of Philosophy Sofia University (Bulgaria) BG SOFIA06 0231; 02 Language (Asian) acquisition; Inter-disciplinary area studies Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 English, Bulgarian(Level: B1)
422 Faculty of Philosophy Universite de Lausanne (Switzerland) CH LAUSANN01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: Sociology and Criminology, Legal Psychology 1 10 French, English(Level: B2)
423 Faculty of Philosophy University of Cyprus (Cyprus) CY NICOSIA01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Greek(Level: B2) Comments: English for some courses
424 Faculty of Philosophy Masaryk University (Czech Republic) CZ BRNO05 022 Humanities (exept languages) 1 5 English(Level: B2)
425 Faculty of Philosophy University of Hradec Kralove (Czech Republic) CZ HRADEC01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros lygmens studentas 2 10 English(Level: B1)
426 Faculty of Philosophy Univerzita Palackeho V Olomouci (Czech Republic) CZ OLOMOUC01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
427 Faculty of Philosophy Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Germany) D BAMBERG01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: B1)
428 Faculty of Philosophy Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Germany) D BAMBERG01 031 Social and behavioural sciences Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: B1)
429 Faculty of Philosophy Freie Universitat Berlin (Germany) D BERLIN01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 German(Level: B1)
430 Faculty of Philosophy Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences (Germany) D BERLIN05 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 German arba English(Level: B1)
431 Faculty of Philosophy Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin (KHSB) (Germany) D BERLIN20 011 Education 1 5 German(Level: B1)
432 Faculty of Philosophy Katholische Hochschule für Sozialwesen Berlin (KHSB) (Germany) D BERLIN20 0923 Social work and counselling 1 5 German(Level: B1)
433 Faculty of Philosophy Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg (Germany) D COBURG01 0923 Social work and counselling Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 12 German; English(Level: B2)
434 Faculty of Philosophy Evangelische Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit Dresden (Germany) D DRESDEN07 0923 Social work and counselling Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
435 Faculty of Philosophy Fachhochschule Dresden, University of Applied Sciences (Germany) D DRESDEN10 031 Social and behavioural sciences Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 10 German(Level: B2) Comments: English (some courses are offered)
436 Faculty of Philosophy Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany) D DUSSELD01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:3 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
437 Faculty of Philosophy Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Germany) D DUSSELD01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:3 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
438 Faculty of Philosophy Universität Erfurt (Germany) D ERFURT05 031 Social and behavioural sciences Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 German; English(Level: B1) Comments: English (limited offers)
439 Faculty of Philosophy Universität Erfurt (Germany) D ERFURT05 0114 Elementary and Primary Education Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German(Level: B1)
440 Faculty of Philosophy Fachhochschule Hannover (Germany) D HANNOVE05 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:5 month Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 4 20 German; English(Level: B1)
441 Faculty of Philosophy Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (Germany) D HEIDELB01 022 Humanities (Asian studies) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1) Comments: English-B2
442 Faculty of Philosophy Universität Hildesheim (Germany) D HILDESH01 031 Social and behavioural sciences Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
443 Faculty of Philosophy Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) (Germany) D KARLSRU01 022 Humanities (exept languages) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 German(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
444 Faculty of Philosophy Katholische Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) D KOLN05 0923 Social work and counselling Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 3 12 3 12 German, English(Level: B1)
445 Faculty of Philosophy Universität Konstanz (Germany) D KONSTAN01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: B2)
446 Faculty of Philosophy HTWK Leipzig (Germany) D LEIPZIG02 0923 Social work and counselling Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B2)
447 Faculty of Philosophy Universität Münster (Germany) D MUNSTER01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 1 10 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
448 Faculty of Philosophy UCL University College (Denmark) DK ODENSE23 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
449 Faculty of Philosophy Universidad de Extremadura (Spain) E BADAJOZ01 0314 Sociology (Criminology) Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 Spanish(Level: B1)
450 Faculty of Philosophy Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) E BARCELO02 0223 Philosophy and ethics Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 Spanish, Catalan, English(Level: B1) Comments: English (limited offers), no certificate required
451 Faculty of Philosophy Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain) E BARCELO02 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 Spanish, Catalan, English(Level: B1) Comments: English (limited offers), no certificate required
452 Faculty of Philosophy Universidad de Granada (Spain) E GRANADA01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 18 Spanish(Level: B1)
453 Faculty of Philosophy Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (Spain) E MADRID01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Spanish(Level: B1)
454 Faculty of Philosophy Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) E MADRID03 0223 Philosophy and ethics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 9 1 9 Spanish(Level: B2) Comments: classes at UCM are mainly taught in Spanish
455 Faculty of Philosophy Universidad de Malaga (Spain) E MALAGA01 0313 Psychology Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: • B1 level Certificate for undergratuate programmes. • C1 level Certificate for master programmes/and PhD programs 2 18 Spanish(Level: B2) Comments: English for some courses
456 Faculty of Philosophy Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) E ZARAGOZ01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 English(Level: B1)Spanish(Level: )
457 Faculty of Philosophy Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain) E ZARAGOZ01 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
458 Faculty of Philosophy University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
459 Faculty of Philosophy University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
460 Faculty of Philosophy University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 0221 Religion and theology Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
461 Faculty of Philosophy University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 0223 Philosophy and ethics Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
462 Faculty of Philosophy Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 (France) F LYON02 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 French(Level: B1)
463 Faculty of Philosophy Universite Jean-Moulin Lyon 3 (France) F LYON03 0223 Philosophy and ethics Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 10 English(Level: )
French(Level: A2) Comments: TOEFL(80),IELTS(6.0)
Strongly recommended B1
464 Faculty of Philosophy université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense (France) F PARIS010 0223 Philosophy and ethics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 9 French, English(Level: B1)
465 Faculty of Philosophy Institut Catholique de Toulouse (France) F TOULOUS09 0223 Philosophy and ethics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 10 1 10 French, English(Level: B2)
466 Faculty of Philosophy University of Zadar (Croatia) HR ZADAR01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5 English, Croatian(Level: B2)
467 Faculty of Philosophy Universita di Bologna (Italy) I BOLOGNA01 011 Education Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 12 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B2)
468 Faculty of Philosophy Universita di Catania (Italy) I CATANIA01 011 Education Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
469 Faculty of Philosophy Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy) I NAPOLI09 0313 Psychology 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
470 Faculty of Philosophy Universita degli Studi di Pavia (Italy) I PAVIA01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B1)
471 Faculty of Philosophy Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy) I ROMA01 022 Humanities (oriental studies) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1) Comments: Students can send us the results of the online assessment offered by the Online Linguistic Support (OLS)1, an official certificate or alternative qualifications
472 Faculty of Philosophy Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy) I ROMA01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1) Comments: Students can send us the results of the online assessment offered by the Online Linguistic Support (OLS)1, an official certificate or alternative qualifications
473 Faculty of Philosophy Universita Degli Studi di Torino (Italy) I TORINO01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5
474 Faculty of Philosophy Universita Degli Studi di Torino (Italy) I TORINO01 022 Humanities (exept languages) Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 8
475 Faculty of Philosophy Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
476 Faculty of Philosophy Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygio studentas 1 5 English(Level: B1)
Latvian(Level: B1)
477 Faculty of Philosophy Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 0288 Asian studies Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5 English(Level: B1)
Latvian(Level: B1)
478 Faculty of Philosophy The University of Malta (Malta) MT MALTA01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
479 Faculty of Philosophy The University of Malta (Malta) MT MALTA01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
480 Faculty of Philosophy Universitetet i Agder (Norway) N KRISTIA01 011; 022 Education, Philosophy, Sociology, Social Work Nomination deadline:4 month 20 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentai 4 40 English(Level: B1)
Norwegian(Level: B1)
481 Faculty of Philosophy Hanzehogeschool Groningen (Netherlands) NL GRONING03 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
482 Faculty of Philosophy Hogeschool Utrecht (Netherlands) NL UTRECHT24 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
483 Faculty of Philosophy Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) P COIMBRA01 0923 Social work and counselling Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 12 2 12 Portuguese, English(Level: B1)
484 Faculty of Philosophy Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal) P COVILHA01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 Portuguese, English(Level: B1)
485 Faculty of Philosophy University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) (Portugal) P LISBOA07 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 Portuguese(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
486 Faculty of Philosophy Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) P LISBOA109 011 Education Nomination deadline:11 month 30 d. 1 6 1 6 Portuguese(Level: B1)
487 Faculty of Philosophy Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku (Poland) PL BIALYST04 0314 Sociology (Criminology) 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B1)
488 Faculty of Philosophy Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku (Poland) PL BIALYST04 011 Education 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
489 Faculty of Philosophy Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) PL CZESTOC02 0923 Social work and counselling 1 5
490 Faculty of Philosophy Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) PL CZESTOC02 0313 Psychology 1 5
491 Faculty of Philosophy Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) PL CZESTOC02 0314 Sociology and cultural studies 1 5 1 5
492 Faculty of Philosophy Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) PL CZESTOC02 0223 Philosophy and ethics 1 5 1 5
493 Faculty of Philosophy Uniwersytet Gdanski (Poland) PL GDANSK01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:5 month 28 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
494 Faculty of Philosophy Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Poland) PL KRAKOW01 0288; 02 Interdisciplinary area studies; Language acquisition; Religion and theology Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
495 Faculty of Philosophy Jesuit University School of Philosophy and Education IGNATIANUM (Poland) PL KRAKOW19 0223; 03 Philosophy and ethics; Psychology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir bakalauro ar doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
496 Faculty of Philosophy Jesuit University School of Philosophy and Education IGNATIANUM (Poland) PL KRAKOW19 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
497 Faculty of Philosophy University of Lodz (Poland) PL LODZ01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
498 Faculty of Philosophy University of Lodz (Poland) PL LODZ01 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
499 Faculty of Philosophy Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland) PL LUBLIN01 011 Education 2 10 English(Level: B2)
500 Faculty of Philosophy Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland) PL LUBLIN01 0313 Psychology Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
501 Faculty of Philosophy University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland) PL LUBLIN04 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B1)
502 Faculty of Philosophy Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poland) PL POZNAN01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 12 1 6 1 6 Polish, English(Level: B1)
503 Faculty of Philosophy Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland) PL SIEDLCE01 011 Education Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 4 16 Polish, English(Level: B1)
504 Faculty of Philosophy Szczecin University (Poland) PL SZCZECI01 011; 031 Education, Psychology, Sociology 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
505 Faculty of Philosophy Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 6 1 6 1 6 Polish, English(Level: B2)
506 Faculty of Philosophy Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 6 1 6 1 6 Polish, English(Level: B2)
507 Faculty of Philosophy Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 6 1 6 1 6 Polish, English(Level: B2)
508 Faculty of Philosophy Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 022 Humanities (oriental studies) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
509 Faculty of Philosophy Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw (Poland) PL WARSZAW07 0223; 03 Philosophy and ethics; Sociology Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Polish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
510 Faculty of Philosophy Wroclaw University (Poland) PL WROCLAW01 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
511 Faculty of Philosophy Wroclaw University (Poland) PL WROCLAW01 011 Education Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
512 Faculty of Philosophy Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland) PL WROCLAW03 031 Social and behavioural sciences Comments: Social policy 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
513 Faculty of Philosophy Halmstad University (Sweden) S HALMSTA01 031 Social and behavioural sciences Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Swedish, English(Level: B2)
514 Faculty of Philosophy Lunds universitet (Sweden) S LUND01 022 Humanities (Middle East studies) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis. Neviršyti vietų-papildomų studentų nepriima 1 5 English, Swedish(Level: B2) Comments: Swedish-C1; English- IELTS 6.5/ TOEFL 90
515 Faculty of Philosophy Umea University (Sweden) S UMEA01 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: No late nominations 2 10 English, Swedish(Level: B2)
516 Faculty of Philosophy University of Lapland (Finland) SF ROVANIE01 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 Finnish, English(Level: B1)
517 Faculty of Philosophy Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, School of Health Care and Social Work (Finland) SF SEINAJO06 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
518 Faculty of Philosophy University of Turku (Finland) SF TURKU01 022 Humanities (exept languages) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir bakalauro pakopos studentai 1 5 Finnish, English(Level: B2)
519 Faculty of Philosophy Abo Akademi University (Finland) SF TURKU02 0223 Philosophy and ethics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Swedish(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
520 Faculty of Philosophy University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 0288 Asian studies Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 1 5 Slovene, English(Level: B2)
521 Faculty of Philosophy University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 0923 Social work and counselling Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Slovene, English(Level: B2)
522 Faculty of Philosophy University of Maribor (Slovenia) Sl MARIBOR01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
523 Faculty of Philosophy Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia) SK KOSICE02 0313 Psychology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B1)
524 Faculty of Philosophy Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia) SK NITRA01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
525 Faculty of Philosophy Afyon Kocatepe University (Turkey) TR AFYON01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
526 Faculty of Philosophy Ankara University (Turkey) TR ANKARA01 023 Languages (Turkish, Arabic, Persian languages) Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 1 5
527 Faculty of Philosophy Gazi University (Turkey) TR ANKARA02 023 Languages Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 1 5
528 Faculty of Philosophy Akdeniz University (Turkey) TR ANTALYA01 0231 Languages (Turkish, Russian, Chinese) Document submit deadline:8 month 20 d. Comments: Only Akdeniz University International Student Examination Results (AKUS) are acceptable for admission to courses at Akdeniz University as an international student. 2 10 2 10 Turkish, English(Level: B2)
529 Faculty of Philosophy Akdeniz University (Turkey) TR ANTALYA01 0114 Teacher training with subject specialization 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
530 Faculty of Philosophy Bingol University (Turkey) TR BINGOL01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Nomination deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 18 1 9 English(Level: B2)
531 Faculty of Philosophy Pamukkale Univesitesi (Turkey) TR DENIZLI01 031 Social and behavioural sciences Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
532 Faculty of Philosophy Gaziantep University (Turkey) TR GAZIANT01 022; 023 Humanities; Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
533 Faculty of Philosophy Istanbul University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU03 0231; 02 Language (Asian) acquisition; Inter-disciplinary area studies Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
534 Faculty of Philosophy Marmara University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU05 0288 interdisciplinary program Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 10 1 10 Turkish arba English(Level: B1)
535 Faculty of Philosophy Altinbas University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU38 0313 Psychology 1 5
536 Faculty of Philosophy Altinbas University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU38 0314 Sociology and cultural studies 1 5 1 5
537 Faculty of Philosophy Ege University (Turkey) TR IZMIR02 023 Languages (Turkish, Arabic, Persian languages) Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 1 5
538 Faculty of Philosophy Erciyes University (Turkey) TR KAYSERI01 0231 Languages (Turkish, Russian, Chinese) Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 1 5 1 5 English, Turkish(Level: B1)
539 Faculty of Philosophy Erciyes University (Turkey) TR KAYSERI01 0288 interdisciplinary program Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 5 1 5 English, Turkish(Level: B1)
540 Faculty of Philosophy Mersin University (Turkey) TR MERSIN01 0114 Teacher training with subject specialization 2 20 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
541 Faculty of Philosophy Mersin University (Turkey) TR MERSIN01 023 Languages (Turkish language) 2 20 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
542 Faculty of Philosophy Mersin University (Turkey) TR MERSIN01 0313 Psychology 2 20 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
543 Faculty of Philosophy Mersin University (Turkey) TR MERSIN01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies 2 20 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
544 Faculty of Philosophy Sakarya University (Turkey) TR SAKARYA01 023 Languages (Turkish, Arabic languages) Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 3 15
545 Faculty of Philosophy University of Gaziosmanpasa (Turkey) TR TOKAT01 022; 023 Humanities; Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. Comments: Orientalistikos centro sutartis 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
546 Faculty of Philosophy Birmingham City University (United Kingdom) UK BIRMING03 031 Social and behavioural sciences Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
547 Faculty of Philosophy Birmingham City University (United Kingdom) UK BIRMING03 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
548 Faculty of Physics Technische Universität Wien (Austria) A WIEN02 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
549 Faculty of Physics Hasselt University (Belgium) B DIEPENB01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Priima tik pavasario semestro studijos 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B2)
550 Faculty of Physics Thomas More Kempen (Belgium) B GEEL07 071 Engineering Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 12 English(Level: B2)
Dutch(Level: B2)
551 Faculty of Physics Universiteit Gent (Belgium) B GENT01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 6 English(Level: B2)
552 Faculty of Physics Universiteit Gent (Belgium) B GENT01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Faculty of Engineering and Architecture 3 15 English(Level: B2)
553 Faculty of Physics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (Bulgaria) BG SOFIA30 0533 Physics 2 10 Bulgarian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
554 Faculty of Physics Universität Augsburg (Germany) D AUGSBUR01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 2 10 1 5 German, English(Level: B1)
555 Faculty of Physics Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) D DRESDEN02 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 4 English(Level: B1)
556 Faculty of Physics Universität Hannover (Germany) D HANNOVE01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: B2)
557 Faculty of Physics Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (Germany) D MUNCHEN01 0533 Physics (meteorology) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 6 German; English(Level: B2) Comments:
558 Faculty of Physics Universität Rostock (Germany) D ROSTOCK01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German, English(Level: B1)
559 Faculty of Physics University of Cordoba (Spain) E CORDOBA01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
Spanish(Level: B1)
560 Faculty of Physics Universidad de Oviedo (Spain) E OVIEDO01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 30 d. 1 12 1 12 1 12 Spanish(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2) Comments: limited number of courses in English
561 Faculty of Physics University of Angers (France) F ANGERS01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:6 month 5 d. 2 10 2 10 French(Level: B1)
562 Faculty of Physics Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Ingenieurs de Caen (France) F CAEN05 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
563 Faculty of Physics Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Ingenieurs de Caen (France) F CAEN05 071 Engineering Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
564 Faculty of Physics Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Ingenieurs de Caen (France) F CAEN05 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
565 Faculty of Physics Universite Grenoble Alpes (France) F GRENOBL55 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir 0715 Mechanikos studentai 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
French(Level: B1)
566 Faculty of Physics Universite du Maine (France) F LEMANS01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
French(Level: B2)
567 Faculty of Physics University of Lille (France) F LILLE103 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 prancūzų k.(Level: B1)
anglų k. (Level: B1)
568 Faculty of Physics Universite D'Orleans, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universite d'Orleans (France) F ORLEANS01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 2 10 French(Level: B2)
Englis (only for courses taught during the final year)(Level: B1)
569 Faculty of Physics Universite de Pau et des Pays de L' Adour (France) F PAU01 0533 Physics 1 6 1 6 1 6
570 Faculty of Physics Universite de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (France) F REIMS01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B1)
571 Faculty of Physics Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (France) F ST-ETIE01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 10 d. 1 10 French(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
572 Faculty of Physics University of Patras (Greece) G PATRA01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 20 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 20 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)Greek(Level: )
573 Faculty of Physics University of Zagreb (Croatia) HR ZAGREB01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 10 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2) Comments: limited number of courses in English
574 Faculty of Physics Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) HU BUDAPES02 071 Engineering 1 5
575 Faculty of Physics Universita Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) I ANCONA01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B1)
576 Faculty of Physics Università degli studi di Cagliari (Italy) I CAGLIAR01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 6 1 6 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1) Comments: English for some courses
577 Faculty of Physics Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia (Italy) I MODENA01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 10 1 10 Italian(Level: )English(Level: ) Comments: B1(BA), B2 (MA, PHD)
578 Faculty of Physics Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy) I NAPOLI01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B1)
579 Faculty of Physics Universita degli Studi di Padova (Italy) I PADOVA01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 20 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
580 Faculty of Physics Universita degli Studi dell' Insubria (Italy) I VARESE02 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B2)
581 Faculty of Physics Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 0533 Physics 2 10 1 5 1 5
582 Faculty of Physics The University of Malta (Malta) MT MALTA01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
583 Faculty of Physics Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology (NTNU) (Norway) N TRONDHE01 0533 Physics 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
584 Faculty of Physics Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) P COIMBRA01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 10 portugalų k. (Level: A2)
anglų k.(Level: B1) Comments: Gali vykti visų studijų pakopų studentai
585 Faculty of Physics Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) P LISBOA109 0533 Physics Comments: Faculty of Sciences; Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 6 1 6 Portuguese, English(Level: B1) Comments: A2 (BA)-B1 (MA)
586 Faculty of Physics Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) PL CZESTOC02 0533 Physics Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
587 Faculty of Physics Gdansk University of Technology (Poland) PL GDANSK02 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 6 English, Polish(Level: B1)
588 Faculty of Physics Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) PL KIELCE02 0533; 06 Physics, Information and Communication Technologies Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
589 Faculty of Physics Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Poland) PL KRAKOW01 0533; 06 Physics, Information and Communication Technologies Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 6 1 6 Polish(Level: B1)
590 Faculty of Physics Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin (Poland) PL LUBLIN01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
591 Faculty of Physics Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poland) PL POZNAN01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 10 1 10 English, Polish(Level: B1)
592 Faculty of Physics Pomeranian University in Slupsk (Poland) PL SLUPSK01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 6 d. 2 10 English, Polish(Level: B2)
593 Faculty of Physics Warsaw University of Technology (Poland) PL WARSZAW02 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 1 10 1 10 English, Polish(Level: B2)
594 Faculty of Physics Military University of Technology in Warsaw (Poland) PL WARSZAW33 071 Engineering 4 20 English(Level: B2)
595 Faculty of Physics Nonpublic Medical College in Wroclaw (Poland) PL WROCLAW27 0533 Physics (elektroradiologia) Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
596 Faculty of Physics Universitatea "Politehnica" din Bucuresti (Romania) RO BUCURES11 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 2 10 1 5 English, French(Level: B2)
597 Faculty of Physics The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania) RO IASI02 0533 Physics 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B1)
598 Faculty of Physics Linköpings universitet (Sweden) S LINKOPI01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
599 Faculty of Physics Lunds universitet (Sweden) S LUND01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Neviršyti vietų-papildomų studentų nepriima 1 5 English(Level: )
Swedish(Level: B2) Comments: IELTS 6.5/ TOEFL 90
600 Faculty of Physics Tampere University (Finland) SF TAMPERE17 071 Engineering Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)Finnish(Level: )
601 Faculty of Physics University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
602 Faculty of Physics University Matej Bel (Slovakia) SK BANSK01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
603 Faculty of Physics Slovak University of Technology (Slovakia) SK BRATISL01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B1)
604 Faculty of Physics Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia) SK KOSICE02 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 1 6 English, Slovak(Level: B1)
605 Faculty of Physics Gazi University (Turkey) TR ANKARA02 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Faculty of Physics 2 10 2 10 2 10 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
606 Faculty of Physics Gazi University (Turkey) TR ANKARA02 0533 Physics Comments: Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 1 5 1 5
607 Faculty of Physics Abant Izzet Baysal University (Turkey) TR BOLU01 0533 Physics 2 10 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
608 Faculty of Physics Atatürk University (Turkey) TR ERZURUM01 0533 Physics 1 5 1 5 1 5
609 Faculty of Physics Gaziantep University (Turkey) TR GAZIANT01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 20 1 10 English(Level: B1)
610 Faculty of Physics Istanbul Medeniyet University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU48 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
611 Faculty of Physics Dokuz Eylul University (Turkey) TR IZMIR01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 20 1 10 1 10 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
612 Faculty of Physics Kastamonu University (Turkey) TR KASTAMO01 0533 Physics Nomination deadline:6 month 1 5 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
613 Faculty of Physics Gebze Technical University (Turkey) TR KOCAELI01 0533 Physics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B1)
Turkish(Level: B1)
614 Faculty of Physics Kocaeli University (Turkey) TR KOCAELI02 0533 Physics 2 12 1 6 1 12
615 Life Sciences Centre Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale HES-SO (Switzerland) CH DELEMON02 0521 Environmental sciences Nomination deadline:3 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro pakopos studentas 1 5 French(Level: B2)
616 Life Sciences Centre University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) CZ OSTRAVA02 0511 Biology Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B1)
Czech(Level: B1)
617 Life Sciences Centre Hochschule Biberach (Germany) D BIBERAC01 0512 Biochemistry 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
618 Life Sciences Centre Universität Greifswald (Germany) D GREIFS01 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 10 1 10 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
619 Life Sciences Centre Philipps-Universität Marburg (Germany) D MARBURG01 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:7 month 1 d. 4 20 German(Level: B1)
620 Life Sciences Centre Universität Münster (Germany) D MUNSTER01 0521 Environmental sciences Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 German(Level: B1) Comments: English just a few courses
621 Life Sciences Centre Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (Germany) D TUBINGE01 0511 Biology Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 1 5 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
622 Life Sciences Centre Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain) E BARCELO15 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 1 10 English(Level: B2)
Spanish(Level: B2)
623 Life Sciences Centre Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) (Spain) E BARCELO24 0511 Biology Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 Spanish, English(Level: B2) Comments: DELE Spanish; TOEFL English
624 Life Sciences Centre Universidad Francisco de Vitoria (UFV Madrid) (Spain) E MADRID28 0511; 05 Biology; Biochemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 7 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 3 15 Spanish(Level: B1)
625 Life Sciences Centre Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain) E PALMA01 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 6 Spanish, Catalan, English(Level: A2)
626 Life Sciences Centre Universidad de Salamanca (Spain) E SALAMAN02 091 Health Nomination deadline:7 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 3 30 Spanish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
627 Life Sciences Centre Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) EE TALLINN04 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros lygmens studentas 1 5 English(Level: B2)
628 Life Sciences Centre Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia) EE TALLINN04 0512 Biochemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros lygmens studentas 1 5 English(Level: B2)
629 Life Sciences Centre University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 2 20 1 10 English(Level: B2)
630 Life Sciences Centre Lyon Catholic University (France) F LYON10 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 10 2 10 French(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
631 Life Sciences Centre Universite de Montpellier (France) F MONTPEL54 0511 Biology Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B1)
632 Life Sciences Centre Universite de Montpellier (France) F MONTPEL54 0521 Environmental sciences 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B2)
633 Life Sciences Centre Universite Paris-Est Creteil (France) F PARIS012 0511 Biology Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 20 2 20 French, English(Level: B2)
634 Life Sciences Centre Universite Paris-Saclay (France) F PARIS481 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 3 30 French(Level: B2)
635 Life Sciences Centre Universite de Poitiers (France) F POITIER01 0511 Biology 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
636 Life Sciences Centre Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (France) F ST-ETIE01 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:5 month 20 d. 2 20 French(Level: B1)
637 Life Sciences Centre Universita degli Studi di Pavia (Italy) I PAVIA01 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 3 30 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
638 Life Sciences Centre Universita degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" (Italy) I ROMA01 0512 Biochemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 Italian(Level: B1) Comments: Students can send us the results of the online assessment offered by the Online Linguistic Support (OLS)1, an official certificate or alternative qualifications
639 Life Sciences Centre Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 12 English(Level: B1)
640 Life Sciences Centre Jazepa Vitola Latvijas Muzikas Akademija (Latvia) LV RIGA05 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 English(Level: B2)
641 Life Sciences Centre Acores University (Portugal) P ACORES01 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 20 1 10 Portuguese(Level: B1) Comments: English tutorial
642 Life Sciences Centre Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy (Poland) PL BYDGOSZ01 05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
643 Life Sciences Centre Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) PL CZESTOC02 0511; 05 Biology; Biochemistry 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
644 Life Sciences Centre Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Poland) PL KRAKOW01 0521 Environmental sciences Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygio studentas 1 5 English(Level: B1)
645 Life Sciences Centre University of Life Sciences in Lublin (Poland) PL LUBLIN04 0511 Biology 1 10 English(Level: B1)
646 Life Sciences Centre Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poland) PL POZNAN01 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B1)
647 Life Sciences Centre West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin (Poland) PL SZCZECI02 0511 Biology Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B1)
648 Life Sciences Centre Universitatea Din Craiova (Romania) RO CRAIOVA01 0511 Biology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros pakopos studentas 1 5 Romanian, English(Level: B1)
649 Life Sciences Centre Universitatea Din Craiova (Romania) RO CRAIOVA01 0512 Biochemistry Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros pakopos studentas 1 5 Romanian, English(Level: B1)
650 Life Sciences Centre Karolinska Institutet (Sweden) S STOCKHO03 0510 Biomedical Science 2 10 English(Level: B2)
651 Life Sciences Centre University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 Slovene, English(Level: B2)
652 Life Sciences Centre Gazi University (Turkey) TR ANKARA02 0511 Biology 2 12 1 6 1 6
653 Life Sciences Centre Balikesir University (Turkey) TR BALIKES01 05 Molecular Biology, Genetics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
654 Life Sciences Centre Abant Izzet Baysal University (Turkey) TR BOLU01 0511 Biology 2 10 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
655 Life Sciences Centre Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Turkey) TR CANAKKA01 0511 Biology Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 Turkish(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
656 Life Sciences Centre Pamukkale Univesitesi (Turkey) TR DENIZLI01 0511 Biology 1 10
657 Life Sciences Centre Yıldız Technical University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU07 0511; 05 Biology; Biotechnology 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B1)
658 Life Sciences Centre Uskudar University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU46 05 Molecular Biology, Genetics Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
659 Faculty of History Universität Graz (Austria) A GRAZ01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B2)
660 Faculty of History Universite Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium) B BRUXEL04 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 French(Level: B1)
661 Faculty of History Universite de Fribourg (Switzerland) CH FRIBOUR01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 10 1 10 German(Level: B2)
662 Faculty of History Universität Luzern (Switzerland) CH LUZERN01 0222 History and archaeology Document submit deadline:3 month 1 d. Comments: Rudens ir pavasario semestro terminas- KOVO 1 d.! 1 10 1 10
663 Faculty of History Universität Erfurt (Germany) D ERFURT05 0222 History and archaeology Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 English(Level: B2)
664 Faculty of History Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) (Germany) D FRANKFU08 022 Humanities (exept languages) Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 2 10 German; English(Level: B2)
665 Faculty of History Universität Greifswald (Germany) D GREIFS01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
666 Faculty of History Universität Köln (Germany) D KOLN01 0222 History and archaeology 1 5 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
667 Faculty of History Universität Münster (Germany) D MUNSTER01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 German(Level: B1) Comments: English just a few courses
668 Faculty of History Universitat de Barcelona (Spain) E BARCELO01 0222 History and archaeology Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 20 Spanish, Catalan(Level: B1)
669 Faculty of History Tallinn University (Estonia) EE TALLINN05 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
670 Faculty of History University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B2)
671 Faculty of History Universite Bordeaux Montaigne (France) F BORDEAU03 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 10 French(Level: B2) Comments: Gali vykti visų studijų pakopų studentai
672 Faculty of History Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 (France) F LYON02 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 10 French(Level: B1)
673 Faculty of History Universite d'Orleans (France) F ORLEANS01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 French(Level: B2) Comments: English (some course)
674 Faculty of History Universite Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne (France) F PARIS001 0222 History and archaeology 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B2)
675 Faculty of History University of Crete (Greece) G KRITIS01 0222 History and archaeology Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 Greek(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1) Comments: many of courses are taught in modern Greek
limited number of courses in English
676 Faculty of History Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) I MILANO03 022 Humanities (exept languages) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 Italian, English(Level: B2) Comments: TOEFL -79 iBT, IELTS - 6 or an equivalent certificate
677 Faculty of History Universita di Pisa (Italy) I PISA01 022 Humanities (exept languages) Document submit deadline:8 month 31 d. 1 10 1 10 Italian, English(Level: B1)
678 Faculty of History Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
679 Faculty of History Universitetet i Oslo (Norway) N OSLO01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2) Comments: BA. CEFR:B1/B2, TOEFL 60 IBT, IELTS 5.5
680 Faculty of History Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku (Poland) PL BIALYST04 0222 History and archaeology Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
681 Faculty of History Uniwersytet Gdanski (Poland) PL GDANSK01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:5 month 28 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
682 Faculty of History Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Poland) PL KRAKOW01 0222 History and archaeology Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
683 Faculty of History Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 0222 History and archaeology Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
684 Faculty of History Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 0222 History and archaeology Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Sutartis tarp IF ir Varšuvos universiteto Taikomosios lingvistikos fakulteto; gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
685 Faculty of History Wroclaw University (Poland) PL WROCLAW01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
686 Faculty of History University of Oulu (Finland) SF OULU01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Finnish(Level: B2)
687 Faculty of History University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 0222 History and archaeology Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
688 Faculty of History Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia) SK BRATISL02 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
689 Faculty of History Newcastle University (United Kingdom) UK NEWCAST01 0222 History and archaeology Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
690 Kaunas Faculty Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut (Belgium) B MONS22 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir 0211 srities studentai 2 10 English(Level: B1)
691 Kaunas Faculty Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Bulgaria) BG SHOUMEN01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
692 Kaunas Faculty Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Bulgaria) BG SHOUMEN01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
693 Kaunas Faculty Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Bulgaria) BG SHOUMEN01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
694 Kaunas Faculty Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Bulgaria) BG SHOUMEN01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
695 Kaunas Faculty Konstantin Preslavsky University of Shumen (Bulgaria) BG SHOUMEN01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
696 Kaunas Faculty University of Economics - Varna (Bulgaria) BG VARNA04 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
697 Kaunas Faculty University of Economics - Varna (Bulgaria) BG VARNA04 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
698 Kaunas Faculty University of Economics - Varna (Bulgaria) BG VARNA04 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
699 Kaunas Faculty University of Economics - Varna (Bulgaria) BG VARNA04 1015 Travel. tourism, leisure Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
700 Kaunas Faculty Vasil Levski National Military University (Bulgaria) BG VELIKO02 023 Languages Comments: Gali vykti ir 0211, 0410, 0211, 0610 sričių studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
701 Kaunas Faculty Vasil Levski National Military University (Bulgaria) BG VELIKO02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
702 Kaunas Faculty Universite de Fribourg (Switzerland) CH FRIBOUR01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 1 5 1 5 French, German(Level: B1)
703 Kaunas Faculty University of Cyprus (Cyprus) CY NICOSIA01 023 Languages (English language) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 English, Greek(Level: B2) Comments: English for some courses
704 Kaunas Faculty Neapolis University Pafos (Cyprus) CY PAFOS01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 20 d. 1 5 1 5 Greek(Level: )
English(Level: B2)
705 Kaunas Faculty Neapolis University Pafos (Cyprus) CY PAFOS01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 20 d. 1 5 1 5 Greek(Level: )
English(Level: B2)
706 Kaunas Faculty Neapolis University Pafos (Cyprus) CY PAFOS01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:5 month 20 d. 1 5 1 5 Greek(Level: )
English(Level: B2)
707 Kaunas Faculty Neapolis University Pafos (Cyprus) CY PAFOS01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 20 d. 1 5 Greek(Level: )
English(Level: B2)
708 Kaunas Faculty Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic) CZ BRNO02 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
709 Kaunas Faculty Mendel University in Brno (Czech Republic) CZ BRNO02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 English(Level: B2)
710 Kaunas Faculty Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic) CZ OPAVA01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
711 Kaunas Faculty Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic) CZ OPAVA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
712 Kaunas Faculty Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic) CZ OPAVA01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
713 Kaunas Faculty Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic) CZ OPAVA01 0322 Library, information and archival studies 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
714 Kaunas Faculty Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus (Germany) D COTTBUS03 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
715 Kaunas Faculty Brandenburgische Technische Universität Cottbus (Germany) D COTTBUS03 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
716 Kaunas Faculty Technische Universität Dresden (Germany) D DRESDEN02 031 Social and behavioural sciences Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 4 20 German(Level: C1)
717 Kaunas Faculty Universität Greifswald (Germany) D GREIFS01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
718 Kaunas Faculty Universität Greifswald (Germany) D GREIFS01 023 Languages (Baltic studies) Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
719 Kaunas Faculty Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm (Germany) D NURNBER02 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: B2)
720 Kaunas Faculty Universität Passau (Germany) D PASSAU01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: A2)
English(Level: A2)
721 Kaunas Faculty Universität Passau (Germany) D PASSAU01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: A2)
English(Level: A2)
722 Kaunas Faculty Universität Passau (Germany) D PASSAU01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: A2)
English(Level: A2)
723 Kaunas Faculty Universität Passau (Germany) D PASSAU01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: A2)
English(Level: A2)
724 Kaunas Faculty Universität Passau (Germany) D PASSAU01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 German(Level: A2)
English(Level: A2)
725 Kaunas Faculty Reutlingen University (Germany) D REUTLIN02 061; 068 Information and Communication Technologies, Interdisciplinary Programs Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 English(Level: B2)
726 Kaunas Faculty Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz (Germany) D ZITTAU01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1) Comments: English for some courses
727 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Almeria (Spain) E ALMERIA01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 spanish, English (some courses)(Level: B1)
728 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Almeria (Spain) E ALMERIA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 Spanish, English (some courses)(Level: B1)
729 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Almeria (Spain) E ALMERIA01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 Spanish, English (some courses)(Level: )
730 Kaunas Faculty University of Cordoba (Spain) E CORDOBA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 Spanish(Level: B1)
731 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Jaen (Spain) E JAEN01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
732 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Jaen (Spain) E JAEN01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
733 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Jaen (Spain) E JAEN01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
734 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Jaen (Spain) E JAEN01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
735 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de A Coruña (Spain) E LA-CORU01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Spanish, Galician, English(Level: B1)
736 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de A Coruña (Spain) E LA-CORU01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 2 10 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
737 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de A Coruña (Spain) E LA-CORU01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 10 2 10 Spanish, Galician, English(Level: B1)
738 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) E LAS-PAL01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 9 Spanish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1) Comments: English for Modern Languages
739 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) E LAS-PAL01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 Spanish(Level: B1)
740 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) E LAS-PAL01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 Spanish(Level: B1)
741 Kaunas Faculty Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) E LAS-PAL01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 4.5 1 4.5 Spanish(Level: B1)
742 Kaunas Faculty Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) E MADRID03 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 1 5 Spanish(Level: B2) Comments: Magistro studentams C1
743 Kaunas Faculty Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) E MADRID03 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Spanish(Level: C2)
744 Kaunas Faculty Tallinn University (Estonia) EE TALLINN05 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2) Comments: MA,PHD-B2
745 Kaunas Faculty Tallinn University (Estonia) EE TALLINN05 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2) Comments: MA,PHD-B2
746 Kaunas Faculty University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
747 Kaunas Faculty Institut National Universitaire Jean-Francois Champollion (France) F ALBI11 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 2 20 French(Level: B1)
748 Kaunas Faculty Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (France) F BREST01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 1 5 1 5 French, English(Level: B1)
749 Kaunas Faculty Universite de Bretagne Occidentale (France) F BREST01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 French, English(Level: B1)
750 Kaunas Faculty Universite de Guyane (France) F CAYENNE04 022 Humanities (exept languages) Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
751 Kaunas Faculty Universite du Havre (France) F LEHAVR11 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 10 1 10 French, English(Level: B1) Comments: French for most courses
752 Kaunas Faculty Universite du Havre (France) F LEHAVR11 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 10 French, English(Level: B1) Comments: French for most courses
753 Kaunas Faculty Universite du Havre (France) F LEHAVR11 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 2 20 1 10 English, French(Level: B1) Comments: French for most courses
754 Kaunas Faculty IGS Association - American Business School Paris (France) F PARIS363 0414 Marketing and advertising Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 3 15 English(Level: B2)
French(Level: B2)
755 Kaunas Faculty Universite de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines (France) F VERSAIL11 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production 1 10 French(Level: B2)
756 Kaunas Faculty Universite de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines (France) F VERSAIL11 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 1 10 French(Level: B2)
757 Kaunas Faculty Agricultural University of Athens (Greece) G ATHINE03 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 25 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 2 10 English, Greek(Level: B2)
758 Kaunas Faculty University of Thessaly (Greece) G VOLOS01 041 Business and administration 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)
759 Kaunas Faculty Eötvös Lorand University (Hungary) HU BUDAPES01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 10 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 Hungarian(Level: B1)
English, German(Level: B1)
760 Kaunas Faculty Budapest Metropolitan University (Hungary) HU BUDAPES45 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygio studentas 1 5 English(Level: B2)
761 Kaunas Faculty Budapest Metropolitan University (Hungary) HU BUDAPES45 0211; 06 Audio-visual techniques and media production; Information and Communication Tech Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir bakalauro pakopos studentas 1 5 English(Level: B2)
762 Kaunas Faculty Universita di Bologna (Italy) I BOLOGNA01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 2 12 1 6 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
763 Kaunas Faculty Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy) I NAPOLI09 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
764 Kaunas Faculty Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy) I NAPOLI09 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
765 Kaunas Faculty Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy) I NAPOLI09 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
766 Kaunas Faculty Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy) I NAPOLI09 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
767 Kaunas Faculty Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy) I NAPOLI09 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
768 Kaunas Faculty Università degli studi di Parma (Italy) I PARMA01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English (some clases)(Level: B1)
769 Kaunas Faculty Università degli studi di Parma (Italy) I PARMA01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir kalbas studijuojantis studentas 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English (some clases)(Level: B1)
770 Kaunas Faculty Università degli studi di Parma (Italy) I PARMA01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English (some clases)(Level: B1)
771 Kaunas Faculty Università degli studi di Parma (Italy) I PARMA01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English (some clases)(Level: B1)
772 Kaunas Faculty Universita Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno (Italy) I ROMA24 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir ekonomikos ar verslo krypties studentas 1 10 English, Italian(Level: B2)
773 Kaunas Faculty Universita Telematica Internazionale Uninettuno (Italy) I ROMA24 0211; 06 Audio-visual techniques and media production; Information and Communication Tech Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 10 ` English, Italian(Level: B2)
774 Kaunas Faculty Universita degli Studi di Salerno (Italy) I SALERNO01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: A2)
775 Kaunas Faculty Universita degli Studi di Salerno (Italy) I SALERNO01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: A2)
776 Kaunas Faculty Universita degli Studi di Salerno (Italy) I SALERNO01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:11 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: A2)
777 Kaunas Faculty Universita degli Studi di Salerno (Italy) I SALERNO01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: A2)
778 Kaunas Faculty Universita degli Studi di Salerno (Italy) I SALERNO01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian, English(Level: A2)
779 Kaunas Faculty Universita Ca Foscari di Venezia (Italy) I VENEZIA01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 2 12 1 6 Italian, English(Level: B2) Comments: Mainly Italian + a range of English taught courses
780 Kaunas Faculty Daugavpils universitate (Latvia) LV DAUGAVP01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Latvian(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
781 Kaunas Faculty Daugavpils universitate (Latvia) LV DAUGAVP01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Latvian(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
782 Kaunas Faculty Daugavpils universitate (Latvia) LV DAUGAVP01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Latvian(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
783 Kaunas Faculty Daugavpils universitate (Latvia) LV DAUGAVP01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Latvian(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
784 Kaunas Faculty Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia) LV JELGAVA01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
785 Kaunas Faculty Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia) LV JELGAVA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
786 Kaunas Faculty Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia) LV JELGAVA01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
787 Kaunas Faculty Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia) LV JELGAVA01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
788 Kaunas Faculty Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (Latvia) LV JELGAVA01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
789 Kaunas Faculty Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 041 Business and administration 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
790 Kaunas Faculty Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
791 Kaunas Faculty Riga Technical University (Latvia) LV RIGA02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
792 Kaunas Faculty Latvian Academy of Culture (Latvia) LV RIGA08 022 Humanities (exept languages) Nomination deadline:7 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5 Latvian, English(Level: B2)
793 Kaunas Faculty Latvian Academy of Culture (Latvia) LV RIGA08 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:7 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5 Latvian, English(Level: B2)
794 Kaunas Faculty Riga Teacher Training and Education Management Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA27 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)Latvian(Level: )
795 Kaunas Faculty Riga Teacher Training and Education Management Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA27 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)Latvian(Level: )
796 Kaunas Faculty Riga Teacher Training and Education Management Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA27 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)Latvian(Level: )
797 Kaunas Faculty Riga Teacher Training and Education Management Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA27 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)Latvian(Level: )
798 Kaunas Faculty Riga Teacher Training and Education Management Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA27 011 Education Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. 3 15 3 15 2 10 English(Level: B1)Latvian(Level: )
799 Kaunas Faculty Baltic International Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA28 023 Languages Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian, English(Level: B1)
800 Kaunas Faculty Baltic International Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA28 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian, English(Level: B1)
801 Kaunas Faculty Baltic International Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA28 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian, English(Level: B1)
802 Kaunas Faculty Baltic International Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA28 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian, English(Level: B1)
803 Kaunas Faculty Baltic International Academy (Latvia) LV RIGA28 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Russian, English(Level: B1)
804 Kaunas Faculty Information Systems Management Institute (Latvia) LV RIGA32 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
805 Kaunas Faculty Information Systems Management Institute (Latvia) LV RIGA32 0311 Economics 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
806 Kaunas Faculty Information Systems Management Institute (Latvia) LV RIGA32 041 Business and administration 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
807 Kaunas Faculty The University College of Economics and Culture (Latvia) LV RIGA33 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
808 Kaunas Faculty The University College of Economics and Culture (Latvia) LV RIGA33 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
809 Kaunas Faculty The University College of Economics and Culture (Latvia) LV RIGA33 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
810 Kaunas Faculty The University College of Economics and Culture (Latvia) LV RIGA33 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
811 Kaunas Faculty The University College of Economics and Culture (Latvia) LV RIGA33 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
812 Kaunas Faculty University "ST Kilment Ohridski" - Bitola (North Macedonia) MK BITOLA01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Macedonian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
813 Kaunas Faculty Integrated Business Faculty (North Macedonia) MK SKOPJE03 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
814 Kaunas Faculty Integrated Business Faculty (North Macedonia) MK SKOPJE03 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
815 Kaunas Faculty Goce Delcev University (North Macedonia) MK STIP01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
816 Kaunas Faculty Goce Delcev University (North Macedonia) MK STIP01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
817 Kaunas Faculty Goce Delcev University (North Macedonia) MK STIP01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
818 Kaunas Faculty Goce Delcev University (North Macedonia) MK STIP01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
819 Kaunas Faculty Fontys Internationale Hogeschool (Netherlands) NL EINDHOV03 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Campus Venlo 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
820 Kaunas Faculty Fontys Internationale Hogeschool (Netherlands) NL EINDHOV03 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Campus Eindhoven 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
821 Kaunas Faculty Fontys Internationale Hogeschool (Netherlands) NL EINDHOV03 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Campus Venlo 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
822 Kaunas Faculty Fontys Internationale Hogeschool (Netherlands) NL EINDHOV03 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Campus Venlo 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
823 Kaunas Faculty Fontys Internationale Hogeschool (Netherlands) NL EINDHOV03 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Campus Venlo 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
824 Kaunas Faculty Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) P COIMBRA01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Portuguese, English(Level: B1)
825 Kaunas Faculty Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) P COIMBRA01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Portuguese, English(Level: B1)
826 Kaunas Faculty Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) P COIMBRA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Portuguese, English(Level: B1)
827 Kaunas Faculty Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) P COIMBRA01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Portuguese, English(Level: B1)
828 Kaunas Faculty Universidade de Coimbra (Portugal) P COIMBRA01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Portuguese(Level: B1)
English(Level: B2)
829 Kaunas Faculty Kujawsko-Pomorska Szkola Wyzsza w Bydgoszczy (Poland) PL BYDGOSZ08 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 Polish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
830 Kaunas Faculty Kujawsko-Pomorska Szkola Wyzsza w Bydgoszczy (Poland) PL BYDGOSZ08 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 Polish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
831 Kaunas Faculty Kujawsko-Pomorska Szkola Wyzsza w Bydgoszczy (Poland) PL BYDGOSZ08 023 Languages (English language) Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 Polish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
832 Kaunas Faculty Kujawsko-Pomorska Szkola Wyzsza w Bydgoszczy (Poland) PL BYDGOSZ08 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 20 2 20 Polish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
833 Kaunas Faculty Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) PL KIELCE02 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
834 Kaunas Faculty Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) PL KIELCE02 0232 Literature and linguistics Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
835 Kaunas Faculty Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) PL KIELCE02 0413 Management and administration Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
836 Kaunas Faculty Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) PL KIELCE02 0412 Finance, banking, insurance Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
837 Kaunas Faculty Uniwersytet Jagiellonski w Krakowie (Poland) PL KRAKOW01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics 2 10 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Polish(Level: B2)
838 Kaunas Faculty Jesuit University School of Philosophy and Education IGNATIANUM (Poland) PL KRAKOW19 023 Languages Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
839 Kaunas Faculty Jesuit University School of Philosophy and Education IGNATIANUM (Poland) PL KRAKOW19 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
840 Kaunas Faculty Jesuit University School of Philosophy and Education IGNATIANUM (Poland) PL KRAKOW19 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
841 Kaunas Faculty Spoleczna Akademia Nauk (University of Social Sciences) (Poland) PL LODZ09 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
842 Kaunas Faculty Spoleczna Akademia Nauk (University of Social Sciences) (Poland) PL LODZ09 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
843 Kaunas Faculty Spoleczna Akademia Nauk (University of Social Sciences) (Poland) PL LODZ09 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
844 Kaunas Faculty Spoleczna Akademia Nauk (University of Social Sciences) (Poland) PL LODZ09 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
845 Kaunas Faculty Spoleczna Akademia Nauk (University of Social Sciences) (Poland) PL LODZ09 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
846 Kaunas Faculty Uniwersytet Opolski (Poland) PL OPOLE01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
847 Kaunas Faculty Uniwersytet Opolski (Poland) PL OPOLE01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
848 Kaunas Faculty Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland) PL SIEDLCE01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
849 Kaunas Faculty Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland) PL SIEDLCE01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
850 Kaunas Faculty Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland) PL SIEDLCE01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
851 Kaunas Faculty Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland) PL SIEDLCE01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
852 Kaunas Faculty Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland) PL SIEDLCE01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
853 Kaunas Faculty Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities (Poland) PL SIEDLCE01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
854 Kaunas Faculty Szczecin University (Poland) PL SZCZECI01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
Polish(Level: B2)
855 Kaunas Faculty Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
856 Kaunas Faculty Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
857 Kaunas Faculty Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
858 Kaunas Faculty Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
859 Kaunas Faculty University of Zielona Gora (Poland) PL ZIELONA01 023 Languages (Polish language) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)Polish(Level: )
860 Kaunas Faculty University of Zielona Gora (Poland) PL ZIELONA01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)Polish(Level: )
861 Kaunas Faculty University of Zielona Gora (Poland) PL ZIELONA01 023 Languages (English language) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 6 1 6 English(Level: C1)Polish(Level: )
862 Kaunas Faculty University of Zielona Gora (Poland) PL ZIELONA01 023 Languages (Russian language) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 6 1 6 Russian(Level: B1)Polish(Level: )
863 Kaunas Faculty University of Zielona Gora (Poland) PL ZIELONA01 0223 Philosophy and ethics Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros lygmens studentas 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)Polish(Level: )
864 Kaunas Faculty Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania) RO BRASOV01 023 Languages Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Romanian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
865 Kaunas Faculty Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania) RO BRASOV01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Romanian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
866 Kaunas Faculty Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania) RO BRASOV01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Romanian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
867 Kaunas Faculty Transilvania University of Brasov (Romania) RO BRASOV01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Romanian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
868 Kaunas Faculty Universitatea "Politehnica" din Bucuresti (Romania) RO BUCURES11 041 Business and administration Comments: Gali vykti ir 0610 srities studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
869 Kaunas Faculty Dimitrie Cantemir Christian University (Romania) RO BUCURES31 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:9 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
870 Kaunas Faculty Högskolan I Boras (Sweden) S BORAS01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 4 20 English, Swedish(Level: B2)
871 Kaunas Faculty Södertörn University (Sweden) S HUDDING01 022 Humanities (exept languages) Nomination deadline:4 month 20 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English, Swedish(Level: )
872 Kaunas Faculty Linköpings universitet (Sweden) S LINKOPI01 023, 011 Languages, Education Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Swedish(Level: B2)
873 Kaunas Faculty Tampere University (Finland) SF TAMPERE17 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 English(Level: B1)
Finnish(Level: B1)
874 Kaunas Faculty University of Primorska (Slovenia) Sl KOPER03 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
875 Kaunas Faculty University Matej Bel (Slovakia) SK BANSK01 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:7 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:8 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
876 Kaunas Faculty University Matej Bel (Slovakia) SK BANSK01 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:7 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:8 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
877 Kaunas Faculty Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia) SK KOSICE02 0232 Literature and linguistics 1 5 1 5 English(Level: C1)
878 Kaunas Faculty Alanya University (Turkey) TR ANTALYA04 023 Languages Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
879 Kaunas Faculty Alanya University (Turkey) TR ANTALYA04 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
880 Kaunas Faculty Alanya University (Turkey) TR ANTALYA04 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
881 Kaunas Faculty Alanya University (Turkey) TR ANTALYA04 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
882 Kaunas Faculty Alanya University (Turkey) TR ANTALYA04 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
883 Kaunas Faculty Cukurova University (Turkey) TR ADANA01 0311 Economics 1 10 1 10
884 Kaunas Faculty Cukurova University (Turkey) TR ADANA01 041 Business and administration 1 10 1 10
885 Kaunas Faculty Afyon Kocatepe University (Turkey) TR AFYON01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production 2 10 English(Level: B1)
886 Kaunas Faculty Afyon Kocatepe University (Turkey) TR AFYON01 023 Languages 1 5 English(Level: B1)
887 Kaunas Faculty Gazi University (Turkey) TR ANKARA02 023 Languages Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
888 Kaunas Faculty Hacettepe University (Turkey) TR ANKARA03 0232 Literature and linguistics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
889 Kaunas Faculty Başkent University (Turkey) TR ANKARA06 041 Business and administration 1 5 1 5
890 Kaunas Faculty Başkent University (Turkey) TR ANKARA06 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 1 5
891 Kaunas Faculty Bilkent University (Turkey) TR ANKARA07 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 2 10 English(Level: B2)
892 Kaunas Faculty Akdeniz University (Turkey) TR ANTALYA01 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B1)
893 Kaunas Faculty Pamukkale Univesitesi (Turkey) TR DENIZLI01 023 Languages Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
894 Kaunas Faculty Pamukkale Univesitesi (Turkey) TR DENIZLI01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
895 Kaunas Faculty Pamukkale Univesitesi (Turkey) TR DENIZLI01 041 Business and administration Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
896 Kaunas Faculty Pamukkale Univesitesi (Turkey) TR DENIZLI01 0311 Economics Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
897 Kaunas Faculty Pamukkale Univesitesi (Turkey) TR DENIZLI01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
898 Kaunas Faculty Dicle University (Turkey) TR DIYARBA01 023 Languages 2 10 1 5
899 Kaunas Faculty Dicle University (Turkey) TR DIYARBA01 041 Business and administration 2 10 1 5
900 Kaunas Faculty Dicle University (Turkey) TR DIYARBA01 0311 Economics 2 10 1 5
901 Kaunas Faculty Anadolu University (Turkey) TR ESKISEH01 0311 Economics Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros pakopos studentas 1 5 1 5
902 Kaunas Faculty Anadolu University (Turkey) TR ESKISEH01 041 Business and administration Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros pakopos studentas 1 5 1 5
903 Kaunas Faculty Anadolu University (Turkey) TR ESKISEH01 0232 Literature and linguistics 1 5 1 5
904 Kaunas Faculty Anadolu University (Turkey) TR ESKISEH01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production 1 5 1 5
905 Kaunas Faculty Beykent University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU09 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 1 5 1 5
906 Kaunas Faculty Beykent University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU09 041 Business and administration 1 5 1 5
907 Kaunas Faculty Beykent University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU09 023 Languages 1 5 1 5
908 Kaunas Faculty Beykent University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU09 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production 1 5 1 5
909 Kaunas Faculty Beykent University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU09 0311 Economics 1 5 1 5
910 Kaunas Faculty Yeditepe University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU21 023 Languages Nomination deadline:7 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:8 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: )
911 Kaunas Faculty Istanbul Aydin University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU25 023 Languages Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros lygmens studentas 1 5
912 Kaunas Faculty Istanbul Aydin University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU25 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros lygmens studentas 1 5
913 Kaunas Faculty Istanbul Esenyurt University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU50 041 Business and administration Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B1)
914 Kaunas Faculty Istinye University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU61 041; 031 Business and Administration; Economics Nomination deadline:5 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir Vertimo studijų studentai; 041 srityje gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 2 12 Turkish, English(Level: B2)
915 Kaunas Faculty Istanbul Galata University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU69 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:7 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 5 25 English(Level: B1)
Turkish(Level: B1)
916 Kaunas Faculty Izmir Katip Celebi University (Turkey) TR IZMIR08 0311 Economics 1 5 1 5
917 Kaunas Faculty Izmir Katip Celebi University (Turkey) TR IZMIR08 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production 1 5 1 5
918 Kaunas Faculty Izmir Katip Celebi University (Turkey) TR IZMIR08 041 Business and administration 1 5 1 5
919 Kaunas Faculty Izmir Katip Celebi University (Turkey) TR IZMIR08 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 1 5 1 5
920 Kaunas Faculty Izmir Bakircay Universitesi (Turkey) TR IZMIR10 0311 Economics Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
921 Kaunas Faculty Izmir Bakircay Universitesi (Turkey) TR IZMIR10 0413 Management and administration Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
922 Kaunas Faculty Izmir Bakircay Universitesi (Turkey) TR IZMIR10 0488 Business, Administration and Law Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
923 Kaunas Faculty Izmir Bakircay Universitesi (Turkey) TR IZMIR10 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Turkish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
924 Kaunas Faculty Selcuk University (Turkey) TR KONYA01 0311 Economics 2 10
925 Kaunas Faculty Cag University (Turkey) TR MERSIN02 023 Languages Nomination deadline:8 month 30 d. 2 10 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
926 Faculty of Communication Universität Wien (Austria) A WIEN01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5 German; English(Level: B2)
927 Faculty of Communication Haute Ecole Galilee - IHECS (Belgium) B BRUXEL84 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 4 20 French(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
928 Faculty of Communication Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut (Belgium) B MONS22 0321 Journalism and reporting Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
929 Faculty of Communication Sofia University (Bulgaria) BG SOFIA06 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
930 Faculty of Communication Univerzita Palackeho V Olomouci (Czech Republic) CZ OLOMOUC01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
931 Faculty of Communication Metropolitan University Prague (Czech Republic) CZ PRAHA18 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 10 d. 2 12 2 12 English(Level: B2)
932 Faculty of Communication Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany) D BERLIN13 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B2)
933 Faculty of Communication Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany) D ERLANGE01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: A2) Comments: English- B1 (limited offers)
934 Faculty of Communication Fachhochschule Hannover (Germany) D HANNOVE05 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 12 German; English(Level: B1)
935 Faculty of Communication Technische Universität Ilmenau (Germany) D ILMENAU01 032 Journalism and information 2 10 1 5 German(Level: B1)
936 Faculty of Communication Karlshochschule International University (Germany) D KARLSRU08 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 German; English(Level: B2) Comments: CEFR
937 Faculty of Communication Fachhochschule Kiel (Germany) D KIEL03 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. 2 10 1 5 German; English(Level: )
938 Faculty of Communication Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany) D MAINZ01 0322 Library, information and archival studies Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1) Comments: English for some courses
939 Faculty of Communication Hochschule Mittweida (Germany) D MITTWEI01 032 Journalism and information 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1) Comments: english if agreed in advance
940 Faculty of Communication Hochschule Offenburg (Germany) D OFFENBU01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
941 Faculty of Communication Hochschule Offenburg (Germany) D OFFENBU01 0321 Journalism and reporting Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
942 Faculty of Communication Universidad del Pais Vasco (Spain) E BILBAO01 0321 Journalism and reporting Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 9 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
943 Faculty of Communication Universidad de Murcia (Spain) E MURCIA01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Apgyvendinimas (accommodation) iki (till) 06.20; 12.15 1 10 Spanish(Level: B1) Comments: English (Business, Languages, Teacher Training, and Master Computer Science)
944 Faculty of Communication Universidad de Murcia (Spain) E MURCIA01 0321 Journalism and reporting Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Apgyvendinimas (accommodation) iki (till) 06.20; 12.15 1 10 Spanish(Level: B1) Comments: English (Business, Languages, Teacher Training, and Master Computer Science)
945 Faculty of Communication Universidad de Vigo (Spain) E VIGO01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 2 20 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
946 Faculty of Communication Universidad San Jorge (Spain) E ZARAGOZ07 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 Spanish, English(Level: B1) Comments: English for some courses
947 Faculty of Communication Tallinn University (Estonia) EE TALLINN05 0321 Journalism and reporting Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B2) Comments: MA,PHD-B2
948 Faculty of Communication Tallinn University (Estonia) EE TALLINN05 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2) Comments: MA,PHD-B2
949 Faculty of Communication Universite Catholoque de Lille (France) F LILLE11 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: ISTC 2 10 1 5 French, English(Level: B2) Comments: B1/B2 depending on the departments
950 Faculty of Communication Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 (France) F LYON02 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 10 French(Level: B1)
951 Faculty of Communication Universite Lumiere Lyon 2 (France) F LYON02 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 10 1 10 French(Level: B1)
952 Faculty of Communication University Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 (France) F PARIS003 0215 Music and performing arts Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 French(Level: B2)
953 Faculty of Communication University Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 (France) F PARIS003 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 French(Level: B2)
954 Faculty of Communication ISCOM Paris | Higher Institute for Communications and Advertising (France) F PARIS404 0414 Marketing and advertising Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 1 5 French(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
955 Faculty of Communication ISCOM Paris | Higher Institute for Communications and Advertising (France) F PARIS404 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 French(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
956 Faculty of Communication Universite de Paris (France) F PARIS482 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 6 30 French(Level: B2)
957 Faculty of Communication Universite de Strasbourg (France) F STRASBO48 032 Journalism and information Comments: IUT Robert Schuman 2 12 French(Level: B2)
958 Faculty of Communication National & Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece) G ATHINE01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 English, Greek(Level: B2) Comments: English for some courses
959 Faculty of Communication University of Dubrovnik (Croatia) HR DUBROVN01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)
960 Faculty of Communication Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Croatia) HR OSIJEK01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Croatian(Level: B2)
961 Faculty of Communication University of Zadar (Croatia) HR ZADAR01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5 English(Level: B2) Comments: some courses
962 Faculty of Communication University of Zagreb (Croatia) HR ZAGREB01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:5 month 10 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
963 Faculty of Communication Corvinus University of Budapest (Hungary) HU BUDAPES03 031 Social and behavioural sciences 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
964 Faculty of Communication Budapest Business University (Hungary) HU BUDAPES20 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 5 25 English(Level: B2)
965 Faculty of Communication Università degli studi di Cagliari (Italy) I CAGLIAR01 032 Journalism and information 2 10 2 10 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
966 Faculty of Communication Università degli studi di Parma (Italy) I PARMA01 0321 Journalism and reporting Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 18 1 9 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
967 Faculty of Communication Universita LUMSA di Roma (Italy) I ROMA04 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 6
968 Faculty of Communication Universita di Siena (Italy) I SIENA01 0321 Journalism and reporting 1 5 1 5
969 Faculty of Communication Universita degli Studi di Teramo (Italy) I TERAMO01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 6 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
970 Faculty of Communication Universita degli Studi di Teramo (Italy) I TERAMO01 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 6 Italian(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1) Comments: B2 English for International Master degree
971 Faculty of Communication Universita degli Studi di Udine (Italy) I UDINE01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 20 2 20 Italian(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
972 Faculty of Communication Universita degli Studi dell' Insubria (Italy) I VARESE02 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 Italian, English(Level: B2)
973 Faculty of Communication Liepajas Universitate (Latvia) LV LIEPAJA01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 4 20 English(Level: B2)
974 Faculty of Communication Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B1)
975 Faculty of Communication Latvijas Universitate (Latvia) LV RIGA01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B1)
976 Faculty of Communication Goce Delcev University (North Macedonia) MK STIP01 0321 Journalism and reporting Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 12 2 12 English(Level: B1)
977 Faculty of Communication Universitetet i Agder (Norway) N KRISTIA01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:4 month 20 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B1)
978 Faculty of Communication Volda University College (Norway) N VOLDA01 0321 Journalism and reporting Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2) Comments: IELTS:5.0, TOEFL IBT 60 or Cambridge FCE, CAE & CPE
979 Faculty of Communication Volda University College (Norway) N VOLDA01 031 Social and behavioural sciences Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Norwegian, English(Level: B2) Comments: IELTS:5.0, TOEFL IBT 60 or Cambridge FCE, CAE & CPE
980 Faculty of Communication Saxion Hogescholen (Netherlands) NL ENSCHED03 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Housing deadline 20 October and 15 May 4 20 English(Level: B2)
981 Faculty of Communication Hanzehogeschool Groningen (Netherlands) NL GRONING03 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
982 Faculty of Communication Hogeschool Utrecht (Netherlands) NL UTRECHT24 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B2)
983 Faculty of Communication Hogeschool Utrecht (Netherlands) NL UTRECHT24 0414 Marketing and advertising Comments: Creative writting 1 5
984 Faculty of Communication Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal) P COVILHA01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 1 5 1 5 Portuguese, English(Level: B1)
985 Faculty of Communication IPL-Instituto Politecnico de Lisboa (Portugal) P LISBOA05 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 Portuguese(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1) Comments: just recommended
986 Faculty of Communication Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) P LISBOA109 022 Humanities (exept languages) Nomination deadline:5 month Document submit deadline:6 month Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 9 1 9 Portuguese(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1) Comments: selected courses
987 Faculty of Communication Instituto Politecnico de Tomar (Portugal) P TOMAR01 032 Journalism and information 2 12 Portuguese(Level: )
English(Level: B1)
988 Faculty of Communication Instituto Politecnico de Viseu (Portugal) P VISEU01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 2 10 Portuguese(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2) Comments: Regular courses
International semesters
989 Faculty of Communication Uniwersytet w Bialymstoku (Poland) PL BIALYST04 0314 Sociology and cultural studies Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 18 2 18 English, Polish(Level: B1)
990 Faculty of Communication Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy (Poland) PL BYDGOSZ01 0321 Journalism and reporting Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B1)
991 Faculty of Communication Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa (Poland) PL CZESTOC02 032 Journalism and information 2 10
992 Faculty of Communication Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (Poland) PL KIELCE02 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
993 Faculty of Communication Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow (Poland) PL KRAKOW08 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 English, Polish(Level: B2)
994 Faculty of Communication University of Lodz (Poland) PL LODZ01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:6 month 17 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 22 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
995 Faculty of Communication Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza (Poland) PL POZNAN01 0322 Library, information and archival studies Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 10 English, Polish(Level: B1) Comments: CEFR
996 Faculty of Communication Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 0322 Library, information and archival studies Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Polish(Level: B2)
997 Faculty of Communication Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland) PL TORUN01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B2)
998 Faculty of Communication Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 0322 Library, information and archival studies Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
999 Faculty of Communication Uniwersytet Warszawski (Poland) PL WARSZAW01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 Polish, English(Level: B1)
1000 Faculty of Communication Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie (Poland) PL WARSZAW07 0321 Journalism and reporting Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 24 2 24 English, Polish(Level: B1)
1001 Faculty of Communication Wroclaw University (Poland) PL WROCLAW01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 2 10 English(Level: B1)
1002 Faculty of Communication The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași (Romania) RO IASI02 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:8 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygio studentas 1 10 English(Level: B1)
1003 Faculty of Communication University of Oradea (Romania) RO ORADEA01 0321 Journalism and reporting Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 9 1 9 English; Romanian(Level: B1)
1004 Faculty of Communication University of Jyväskylä (Finland) SF JYVASKY01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1) Comments: recommended:B2
1005 Faculty of Communication University of Oulu (Finland) SF OULU01 0322 Library, information and archival studies Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 5 Finnish(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2) Comments: where indicated
1006 Faculty of Communication University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 0322 Library, information and archival studies Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
1007 Faculty of Communication University of Ljublijana (Slovenia) Sl LJUBLJA01 0321 Journalism and reporting Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: B2)
1008 Faculty of Communication Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia) SK BRATISL02 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
1009 Faculty of Communication Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra (Slovakia) SK NITRA01 0414 Marketing and advertising Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
1010 Faculty of Communication University of SS. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia) SK TRNAVA02 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 30 d. 2 10 1 5 English, Slovak(Level: B2)
1011 Faculty of Communication Ankara University (Turkey) TR ANKARA01 0322 Library, information and archival studies 2 12 2 12
1012 Faculty of Communication Ankara University (Turkey) TR ANKARA01 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:7 month 1 d. 2 12 2 12 Turkish, English(Level: A2)
1013 Faculty of Communication Hacettepe University (Turkey) TR ANKARA03 032 Journalism and information Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygmens studentas 1 5
1014 Faculty of Communication Başkent University (Turkey) TR ANKARA06 032 Journalism and information 2 10
1015 Faculty of Communication Akdeniz University (Turkey) TR ANTALYA01 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:8 month 20 d. Document submit deadline:8 month 20 d. Comments: Only Akdeniz University International Student Examination Results (AKUS) are acceptable for admission to courses at Akdeniz University as an international student. 2 10 2 10 Turkish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
1016 Faculty of Communication Istanbul University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU03 032 Journalism and information 2 10 1 5
1017 Faculty of Communication Bahcesehir University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU08 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:5 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
1018 Faculty of Communication Istanbul Commerce University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU10 032 Journalism and information Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10
1019 Faculty of Communication Halic University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU15 032 Journalism and information 1 5 1 5
1020 Faculty of Communication Maltepe University (Turkey) TR ISTANBU18 032 Journalism and information 1 5 1 5
1021 Faculty of Communication Ege University (Turkey) TR IZMIR02 032 Journalism and information Nomination deadline:7 month 1 d. 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)
1022 Faculty of Communication Izmir University of Economics (Turkey) TR IZMIR04 032 Journalism and information 2 10 2 10 English(Level: B2)
1023 Faculty of Communication Selcuk University (Turkey) TR KONYA01 032 Journalism and information 1 6 1 6 English(Level: B1)
1024 Faculty of Communication Selcuk University (Turkey) TR KONYA01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B1)
1025 Faculty of Communication Sakarya University (Turkey) TR SAKARYA01 032 Journalism and information 2 10
1026 Faculty of Communication Ondokuz Mayis University (Turkey) TR SAMSUN01 0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production 1 12 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
1027 Faculty of Communication Ondokuz Mayis University (Turkey) TR SAMSUN01 032 Journalism and information 1 12 Turkish, English(Level: B1)
1028 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics University of Novi Sad (Serbia) RS NOVISAD02 054 Mathematics and statistics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Serbian(Level: B2)
1029 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics University of Novi Sad (Serbia) RS NOVISAD02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
Serbian(Level: B2)
1030 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Fachhochschule Burgenland (Austria) A EISENST02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
1031 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Haute Ecole "Robert Schuman" (Belgium) B ARLON09 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 10 French, English (limited courses)(Level: B1)
1032 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics UC Leuven-Limburg (Belgium) B LEUVEN18 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 10 English(Level: B1)
1033 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Sofia University (Bulgaria) BG SOFIA06 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:11 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros lygmens studentas 1 6 English(Level: B1)
1034 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Technical University Sofia (Bulgaria) BG SOFIA16 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 English(Level: B1)
1035 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universität Basel (Switzerland) CH BASEL01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 German; English(Level: B1)
1036 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus) CY LIMASSO02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Greek, English(Level: B2)
1037 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic) CZ BRNO01 054 Mathematics and statistics 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
1038 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics University of South Bohemia (Czech Republic) CZ CESKE01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 4 English(Level: B2)
1039 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic) CZ LIBEREC01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
1040 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Technical University of Liberec (Czech Republic) CZ LIBEREC01 011 Education 1 5 1 5
1041 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Germany) D BAMBERG01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 10 1 10 German; English(Level: B1)
1042 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universität Bielefeld (Germany) D BIELEFE01 0541 Mathematics Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 German; English(Level: B1)
1043 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Technische Universität Chemnitz (Germany) D CHEMNIT01 054 Mathematics and statistics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 6 1 6 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1) Comments: Where indicated
1044 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany) D ESSEN04 054 Mathematics and statistics Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 2 20 2 20 2 20 German; English(Level: B1)
1045 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universität Greifswald (Germany) D GREIFS01 0541 Mathematics Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 10 1 10 1 10 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
1046 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Fachhochschule Hannover (Germany) D HANNOVE05 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 German(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
1047 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena (Germany) D JENA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygio studentas 1 6 German(Level: B2)
1048 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena (Germany) D JENA01 054 Mathematics and statistics Nomination deadline:6 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro lygio studentas 1 6 German(Level: B2)
1049 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universität Kassel (Germany) D KASSEL01 0541 Mathematics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 1 6 1 6 German; English(Level: B2)
1050 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany) D KIEL01 054 Mathematics and statistics 1 5 English(Level: B1)
1051 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universität Siegen (Germany) D SIEGEN01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 3 German, English(Level: B2)
1052 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Fachhochschule Albstadt-Sigmaringen (Germany) D SIGMARI01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:9 month 1 d. 3 15 2 10 English(Level: B1)
1053 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany) D WURZBUR01 054 Mathematics and statistics 1 5
1054 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (Germany) D WURZBUR01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 1 10 1 5
1055 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Aalborg Universitet (Denmark) DK ALBORG01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:4 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 1 5 English(Level: C1) Comments: IELTS: 6.5, TOEFL: 550/80 or Cambridge ESOL: C1
1056 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Zealand Institute of Technology and Business, Campus Roskilde (Denmark) DK KOGE 03 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 6 30 Danish, English(Level: B1)
1057 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universidad de Almeria (Spain) E ALMERIA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 2 10 2 10 Spanish, English(Level: ) Comments: several courses in English
1058 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universidad del Pais Vasco (Spain) E BILBAO01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: Faculty of Engineering 1 6 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
1059 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universidad del Pais Vasco (Spain) E BILBAO01 054; 061 Mathematics; Information and Communication Technologies Comments: Doctoral School 2 10 Spanish(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
1060 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha (Spain) E CIUDAR01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 2 18 2 18 Spanish, English(Level: B1)
1061 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics University of Cordoba (Spain) E CORDOBA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 2 10 Spanish(Level: B1)
1062 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universidad de Granada (Spain) E GRANADA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. Comments: Faculty of Education, Economics and Technology (Ceuta campus) 3 30 Spanish(Level: B1)
1063 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universidad de Granada (Spain) E GRANADA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 2 18 Spanish(Level: B1)
1064 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) E LAS-PAL01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 1 9 1 9 Spanish(Level: B1)
1065 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics UNIVERSIDAD UNIE S.L. (Spain) E MADRID238 054; 061 Mathematics; Information and Communication Technologies 2 10 English(Level: B2)
Spanish(Level: B1)
1066 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universidad de Malaga (Spain) E MALAGA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 Spanish(Level: B1)
1067 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universidad de La Laguna (Spain) E TENERIF01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 12 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. 2 10 Spanish(Level: B1)
English(Level: B1)
1068 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Tallinn University (Estonia) EE TALLINN05 054; 061 Mathematics; Information and Communication Technologies 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
1069 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics University of Tartu (Estonia) EE TARTU02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B2)
1070 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics University of Angers (France) F ANGERS01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 1 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 5 1 5 French(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
1071 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Ecole Nationale Superieure d'Ingenieurs de Caen (France) F CAEN05 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) 1 6 1 6
1072 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universite de Savoie (France) F CHAMBER01 054 Mathematics and statistics Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5
1073 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universite de Savoie (France) F CHAMBER01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:3 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 2 10 2 10
1074 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics L’École Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique pour l’Industrie et l’Entreprise (ENSIIE) (France) F EVRY05 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 20 d. 1 12 1 12 French(Level: B2) Comments: no certificate required
1075 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics University of Lille (France) F LILLE103 054 Mathematics and statistics Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 1 10 French(Level: B1)
1076 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universite de Nantes (France) F NANTES01 054 Mathematics and statistics Document submit deadline:4 month 30 d. 1 10 1 10 French(Level: B1)
1077 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universite D'Orleans, Ecole Polytechnique de l'Universite d'Orleans (France) F ORLEANS01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:4 month 15 d. 2 10 French(Level: B2)
English (only for courses taught during the final year)(Level: B1)
1078 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universite de Rouen (France) F ROUEN01 054 Mathematics and statistics Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 10 French(Level: B2)
1079 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (France) F ST-ETIE01 054 Mathematics and statistics Document submit deadline:5 month 20 d. 1 5 1 5 French, English(Level: B1)
1080 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne (France) F ST-ETIE01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month 20 d. 1 5 1 5 French, English(Level: B1)
1081 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universite de Strasbourg (France) F STRASBO48 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Comments: IUT Robert Schuman 2 12 French(Level: B2)
1082 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Athens University of Economics&Business (Greece) G ATHINE04 054 Mathematics and statistics Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. 3 15 English, Greek(Level: B2)
1083 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Ionian University (Greece) G ATHINE42 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 31 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 3 1 3 Greek, English(Level: B1)
1084 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics International Hellenic University (DIETHNES PANEPISTIMIO ELLADOS) (Greece) G THESSAL14 054; 061 Mathematics; Information and Communication Technologies 1 5 2 10 1 5 English(Level: B2)
1085 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics University of Thessaly (Greece) G VOLOS01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:7 month 31 d. 1 5 1 5 English, Greek(Level: B1)
1086 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Eötvös Lorand University (Hungary) HU BUDAPES01 0541 Mathematics Nomination deadline:5 month 10 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 Hungarian(Level: B2)
English(Level: B2)
1087 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) HU BUDAPES02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 31 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 5 English(Level: B2)
1088 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) HU BUDAPES02 054 Mathematics and statistics 1 5 1 5
1089 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Politecnico di Bari (Italy) I BARI05 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 1 d. 1 9 1 9 Italian(Level: B1)
1090 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Libera Universita di Bolzano (Italy) I BOLZANO01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 10 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. Comments: TRŪKSTA vietų rudenį apgyvendinimui, paskirstyti studentus tolygiai rudens ir pavasario semestrui! 4 20 English, German, Italian(Level: B1)
1091 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universita degli Studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale (Italy) I CASSINO01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:11 month 30 d. 1 5 1 5 1 5 English(Level: B1)
1092 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universita di Catania (Italy) I CATANIA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:5 month Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 2 10 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
1093 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universita' degli Studi Magna Graecia di Catanzaro (Italy) I CATANZA02 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 5 1 5 Italian(Level: B1)
1094 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics University of Calabria (Italy) I COSENZA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 30 d. 1 3 1 3 Italian(Level: B1) Comments: no certificate required
1095 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universita degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) I FERRARA01 054 Mathematics and statistics Document submit deadline:2 month Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 6 1 6 Italian(Level: A0)
1096 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universita degli Studi di Ferrara (Italy) I FERRARA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:9 month 1 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 6 Italian, English(Level: B1)
1097 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universita degli Studi di Milano (Italy) I MILANO01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:7 month 15 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir doktorantūros pakopos studentai 1 6 1 6 Italian, English(Level: B1)
1098 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy) I MILANO03 054 Mathematics and statistics Nomination deadline:4 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:5 month 15 d. 4 20 Italian, English(Level: B2) Comments: TOEFL -79 iBT, IELTS - 6 or an equivalent certificate
1099 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universita degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (Italy) I NAPOLI01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d. 1 3 1 3 Italian, English(Level: B1)
1100 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Università degli studi di Parma (Italy) I PARMA01 054 Mathematics and statistics Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 10 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros pakopos studentas 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
1101 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Università degli studi di Parma (Italy) I PARMA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:4 month 30 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 10 d. Comments: Gali vykti ir magistro ar doktorantūros pakopos studentas 1 5 Italian(Level: A2)
English(Level: B1)
1102 Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics Universita degli Studi di Pavia (Italy) I PAVIA01 061 Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) Nomination deadline:5 month 15 d. Document submit deadline:6 month 15 d.